Infosecurity News

  1. Mobile Banking: A New Vector for Check-Cashing Scams

    The Better Business Bureau is warning that mobile apps are being pressed into service in a high-tech twist on an old scam.

  2. TD Bank Ordered to Pay Damages Over Data Breach

    The bank lost two unencrypted files with personal information for more than 90,000 Massachusetts customers, but didn't tell anyone for seven months.

  3. Poodle returns to torment 10% of Global Sites

    Repurposed attack easier than last time as it targets TLS

  4. UK Police Lack Skills and Resources to Fight Cybercrime – Report

    Only around a third are adequately tooled up

  5. Target Ruled Negligent in Massive Holiday Data Breach

    Banks and other financial institutions now have the go-ahead to pursue compensation from the retail giant via class-action lawsuits.

  6. (ISC)² Appoints COO David Shearer as Next Executive Director

    Shearer will succeed executive director Hord Tipton at the end of 2014.

  7. IoT, Mobility to Drive Fresh Identity Management Ideas

    With IoT apps such as remote control of household appliances, health monitoring devices and hotel room keys, the need to verify the identities of mobile device users will become even more urgent.

  8. bebe Suffers First PoS Hack of the Holiday Season

    The bebe breach bucks the trend of cyber-criminals going for larger retailers; the attackers targeted customers with higher spending limits.

  9. SpoofedMe Social Login Vulnerability Threatens Web

    IBM has uncovered a vulnerability in the social log-in services provided by Amazon and LinkedIn that allow consumer impersonation.

  10. Eset Steps Up to Protect Facebook Users

    Security vendor joins F-Secure and Trend Micro

  11. Microsoft Schedules Three Critical Patches for December

    Last Patch Tuesday of the year will be relatively light

  12. Health Insurers Face Third-Party Online Threats

    Health insurance providers are investing heavily in web and mobile apps to establish new customer touch points, creating a host of new external facing security challenges for providers.

  13. DeathRing Chinese Trojan Spotted Pre-loaded onto Smartphones

    Lookout claims users in developing countries are at risk

  14. Huawei in Bid to Improve Global Cyber-Security

    Chinese giant releases top 100 questions to ask your vendor

  15. Browser Vulnerabilities Are the Top Endpoint Headache for IT

    A staggering 82% of all companies have experienced at least one online attack in the last year alone.

  16. National Healthcare ISAC Debuts Threat Intelligence Platform

    The goal is to help members capture, process and work together to respond to online threats.

  17. UK Vishing Attacks Net Fraudsters £24 Million

    Phone scams soar by 17% over the past year, according to Financial Fraud Action UK

  18. Xbox Live Hit by Massive DDoS Outage

    The ISIS-supporting Lizard Squad hacking collective took credit, echoing the Sony PlayStation Network attack from August.

  19. OpenVPN Moves Swiftly to Patch DoS Flaw

    Critical vulnerability raises alarms for service providers

  20. Europol Shutters 290+ Domains Selling Pirated Goods

    Project IOS Transatlantic V scores another hit as counterfeiters are shut down

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