Infosecurity News

  1. City of London Police in Square Mile Cyber Terror Attack Warning

    Commissioner seeks closer ties with New York as financial centers brace for future threats

  2. Mobile Botnet Presents Major Threat to Enterprise Networks

    NotCompatible.C malware can infiltrate networks using proxy functionality, Lookout research finds

  3. China’s Great Firewall Blocks Access to HSBC Corporate Banking

    Communist Party’s continued hunt for pesky mirror sites threatens business

  4. Malware Authors Making a Payday Off Encryption

    The growing use of encryption to address privacy concerns is creating perfect conditions for cyber-criminals to hide malware inside encrypted transactions.

  5. BreachAid Offers Emergency Security Service

    The website focuses on identifying and responding to a breach or leak, tackling the aftermath and handling any legal requirements.

  6. Met Police Tackling 200 Organized Crime Groups

    New division makes 100 arrests as two fraud reporting centers are planned

  7. Thousands of Sites Suffer Collateral Damage as China Blocks EdgeCast

    One of world’s largest Content Delivery Networks gets the Great Firewall treatment

  8. Majority of Firms Would Hire Ex-Cons as Cyber-Security Pros

    Skills shortages are forcing a radical rethink of hiring strategies, says KPMG

  9. Android, Windows Phone Withstand Pwn2Own Onslaught

    Only partial pwnage was achieved despite Android's bad reputation.

  10. 1/5 of Grade Schoolers Met Up with Online Strangers in Real Life

    A rampant lack of parental supervision of online behavior is placing many kids under 11 in unsafe situations.

  11. Malicious Tor Exit Node Linked to MiniDuke APT Campaign

    F-Secure says OnionDuke malware has already been used against European government agencies

  12. EFF: ISPs Stripping Encryption from Personal Mails

    By default the sending server will transmit plaintext email over the public Internet, where it is easily subject to eavesdropping and interception.

  13. 77% of SMBs Think Employees are Dangerous

    Employees need better cloud security tools, but recent hacks haven't made any significant impact on SMB security decisions.

  14. Hackers Hit US Weather Agency in Mystery Attack

    NOAA accused of cover-up as cause of incursion remains unknown.

  15. Stuxnet Was First Aimed at Five Iranian Industrial Firms

    New revelations claim contractor for the Natanz facility was ‘patient zero.’

  16. Company Director Fined Just £500 After Illegal Data Access

    He pretended to be Orange security staff member to get log-ins for customer database.

  17. Hong Kong Sites Hit by 111% Rise in DDoS Attacks

    Massive October spike coincides with pro-democracy protests

  18. State-sponsored Hackers Gear Up for G20

    CrowdStrike warns Chinese attackers and hacktivists may be readying campaigns

  19. Russian Government ‘Condoned’ Cyber Attacks on West

    Mandiant boss says Kremlin and criminal elements have stepped up activity

  20. Rotten Tomato: APT or Common Hack Attempt?

    The attackers are not only using the aging CVE-2012-0158 vulnerability, but the newer CVE-2014-1761 as well, exploiting these to download or drop a Zbot variant.

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