Infosecurity News

  1. Home Depot: Massive Breach Happened Via Third-Party Vendor Credentials

    Home Depot also said that 53 million email addresses were stolen along with the previously disclosed 56 million payment card details.

  2. (ISC)2 Gives US Veterans a Cyber-leg Up

    The foundation has announced the first round of recipients of the 2014/2015 U.S.A. Cyber Warrior Scholarship.

  3. Aussie Spies Warn G20 Delegates to Expect Cyber Attacks

    Signals Directorate releases best practice advice on how to stay safe online

  4. Facebook Reports Increased Law Enforcement Info Requests

    The latest transparency report shows the highest number of requests ever recorded for info on the social network's users.

  5. Samsung Says 'Find My Mobile' is Safe from Hackers

    The app, used for Galaxy devices remotely, has been patched.

  6. UK Data in Peril as Rovnix Infects Over 130,000 Machines

    Information-stealing trojan has its sights set on Blighty

  7. Q3 Spike Sees 20 Million New Malware Strains

    Panda Security stats show trojans still top the list

  8. Remote Working Policies Causing Data Breach Risk

    New report highlights issues of employee awareness

  9. Atrocity Videos and Celeb Sex Tapes Bombard Facebook

    Attackers are piquing social network users’ curiosity with malicious scams

  10. DDoS Against Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Movement Linked to Chinese APT Actors

    DDoS and APT campaigns are likely both state-sponsored.

  11. Back-to-School Phishing Campaign Uses .edu to Avoid Blacklists

    An email campaign that’s spreading the Zeus banking trojan is using a new tactic: making use of compromised .edu domains.

  12. Crowti Ransomware Blooms in the US

    Crowti is similar to CryptoLocker, and is spreading through spam emails and exploit kits.

  13. Pirate Bay Founder Gets 42 Months for CSC Hack

    Gottrid Warg sent down for persistent and systemic attack

  14. IT Admins Often Turn off DPI and Other Firewall Features

    Despite the recent data breach tsunami, admins are still sacrificing security for performance.

  15. Thousands of SMBs Targeted in Malicious Redirect Campaign

    A large, coordinated malware effort is taking advantage of lax security at Mom-and-Pop businesses.

  16. Cyber Thursday in Europe as 29 Countries Take Part in Exercises

    Enisa-led CyberEurope exercise features 400 IT security professionals

  17. Pizza Hut Fans Targeted in Latest Asprox Spam Campaign

    Hungry netizens get more than they bargain for

  18. Brazilian Fraudsters Hit US Banks with Fake EMV Card Transactions

    A rash of attacks show that chip-and-PIN cards aren't as safe as banks thought.

  19. Samsung Android Phones in Remote Lock Shock

    NIST warns of serious flaw which could allow a hacker to remotely lock handsets

  20. Tor Node Red-Flagged for Slinging Malware

    Researchers spot Russian exit node modifying binaries via MITM patching

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