Infosecurity News

  1. EWF USA 2014: DHS looks to Women and a New Cyber-Talent Workforce

    The US government is crafting a twenty-first century cyber-workforce within government—and a big part of that involves the recruitment of women.

  2. EWF USA 2014: Dell CIO Shares Best Practice on Winning Buy-in

    At the EWF event in Scottsdale, Arizona, Dell Software CIO, Carol Fawcett, presented on how to get attention and agreement for an information security agenda, and the changing role of the CIO.

  3. Apple Admits MITM iCloud Attack in China

    Cupertino refuses to blame Beijing for major attack on users

  4. Chloe Madeley Rape Firestorm Draws Internet Trolling Crackdown

    UK may quadruple jail time for those making anonymous online threats of physical harm against other people.

  5. Online Fraud Costs UK Over £670 Million

    Get Safe Online poll shows growing problems, but rising awareness

  6. Staples Calls the Cops After Potential Card Fraud Incident

    Retail chain could be latest to be hit as 2014 breach saga continues

  7. Operation DeathClick Targets US Defense Sector

    Micro-targeted malvertising via real-time bidding engines elude most security approaches.

  8. 75% Of UK Online Population at Cyber-Risk

    UK government says that poor password practices run rampant in an increasingly online world.

  9. Hacker Halted 2014: The Fog of War can Cloud both Physical and Digital Battlefields

    At the Hacker Halted conference in Atlanta, Carl W. Herberger, vice president of security at Radware, discussed Thursday the importance of cutting through that fog as organizations try to defend their environments.

  10. Hacker Halted 2014: Johnny Long Calls for Hackers for Charity Volunteers

    The irony was not lost on Johnny Long.

  11. Hacker Halted 2014: Zombies As Scary as a Successful Browser Hack

    At the Hacker Halted conference in Atlanta, security researchers Xiaoran Wang and Angelo Prado demonstrated on Thursday some weaknesses in the major browsers in use today.

  12. Sandworm Team Went After Firms Running SCADA

    Researchers link C&C servers to attacks on CIMPLICITY HMI software

  13. Calware Back on the Agenda for Resourceful Spammers

    Unsolicited calendar invites spike in September as scammers look to bypass filters

  14. Binder Flaw Threatens to Blow Apart Android Security

    Check Point researchers say new vulnerability could enable covert data and comms theft

  15. POODLE Gets a Muzzle from OpenSSL

    POODLE patch can prevent secure data from being intercepted via a MITM gambit.

  16. Oregon Employment Dept Breach Affects 850K

    After being tipped off anonymously, the agency swung into action but is concerned about social security information.

  17. UK in the Crosshairs as EMEA APTs Double

    FireEye data suggests targeted attacks are on the rise across EMEA

  18. YouTube Viewers Assaulted by Malicious Ad Ransomware Campaign

    Kovter delivered to mainly US online video fans

  19. BlackBerry 10 Vulnerable to MiTM Attack

    The flaw affects BlackBerry 10 smartphone customers running the BlackBerry World widget, which device-owners use to search for and download apps.

  20. Seoul Mulls ID Card Overhaul After Series of Catastrophic Breaches

    Most identity numbers freely available on black market

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