Infosecurity News

  1. How to Prepare for a Cybersecurity Career

    (ISC)² Foundation and University of Phoenix have developed recommendations to prepare students for cybersecurity careers--and employers for hiring them.

  2. Dropbox: Nope, Not Hacked

    The usernames and passwords posted by an anonymous hacker were stolen from unrelated services.

  3. Microsoft Zero Day Traced to Russian ‘Sandworm’ Hackers

    Experts urge immediate patching of remote code execution vulnerability

  4. Mayhem Botnet Takes to Shellshock

    The Mayhem multi-purpose modular bot for web servers has a new attack vector in the widespread vulnerability.

  5. Android Worm Masquerades as Google App

    The Selfmite bug has gotten pushier and more flexible than ever before.

  6. EUROPOL: 100 Cybercriminal Kingpins Control All

    EUROPOL said that most of the world’s serious cybercrime is being committed by a "rather limited group of good programmers.”

  7. Snapsaved Admits Photo Hack Exposed Snapchat Users

    Third party service loses 500MB of images but says they can't be compiled into searchable database

  8. Facebook Scammers Hide Trojans in Fake Emma Watson Videos

    Harry Potter actress used as lure once again to snare over-eager netizens

  9. China Cracks Down on Doxing

    China outlaws pubishing personal information about others on the internet.

  10. Rovnix Malware Reloads

    A new variant has been tweaked with a domain generation algorithm (DGA) to avoid traffic detection.

  11. (ISC)² Offers Certification Via DHS

    It's the first professional organization to have its training course information accessible from the DHS portal.

  12. JPMorgan Hackers Go After 13 More Financial Institutions

    The financial attackers found one weapon, and have quickly re-used it, target after target.

  13. Symantec Splits in Two

    One business will focus on security, the other on information management

  14. UCL Dunces Deluged by Spam Attack

    If it's spam you're looking for, look no further than Gower Street

  15. Web Attacks Increasingly Launched from Amazon Infrastructure

    Imperva report reveals attacks growing in number and last longer

  16. Fresh Vish: Phone Scams Splash Back on the Scene

    A combination of fraudulent email, texts and phone trees takes aim at credit and debit card data.

  17. Airlines Failing on Cybersecurity, Says New Research

    AirInsight findings so far claim 42% don’t have a plan

  18. Massive Qbot Botnet strikes 500,000 Machines Through WordPress

    Attackers steal banking credentials and hire out compromised computers to others

  19. Malware Attack on Global ATMs Has Stolen Millions

    The criminals first gain physical access to the ATMs, which are shockingly insecure.

  20. Mobile Security Experts: Worst is Yet to Come

    Infosecurity Virtual Conference debate panellists claim risks could increase with new workforce and more powerful tools

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