Infosecurity News

  1. Mozilla Combats MiTM Attacks, Rogue Certificates in Firefox 32

    n Firefox 32, Mozilla has added public-key pinning as an extra security measure to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, use of rogue certificates, and other critical security threats.

  2. Semalt Hijacks Hundreds of Thousands of PCs for Massive Botnet

    The spam bot is being used to carry out a large-scale, global offensive bent on fooling search algorithims.

  3. NATO Set to Ratify Cyber as Key Military Threat

    Alliance will invoke collective defense clause if one member country is hit with major online attack

  4. Hackers Use Large Numbers of Transient Domains to Hide Attacks

    Hackers Use Large Numbers of Transient Domains to Hide Attacks. Research shows 71% of hostnames appear for one day or less

  5. UK Phone Users Most Likely to Lose Device Down the Pub

    Lookout claims 12-5pm is the most dangerous time for smartphone theft

  6. Russian Gang's Billions of Stolen Credentials Resurface in New Attack

    The billion-plus credential theft by CyberVor hackers is now leading to compromises at Namecheap.

  7. Oblivious Celebrities Bring Nude Photo Hack on Themselves

    Poor password choices and a lack of two-factor authentication created the hacking opportunity.

  8. HP Warns of Growing North Korean Cyber Menace

    Rogue state might seem short on tech know-how but it’s building offensive capabilities, says report

  9. Europol’s EC3 Launches Pan-Euro Cybercrime Taskforce J-CAT

    Initiative to foster greater information sharing across borders in bid to target high-end threats

  10. Second Pro-Government Hacking Group ‘Syrian Malware Team’ Uncovered

    Al-Assad supporters could be linked to Syrian Electronic Army

  11. Ebola Outbreak Infects Unwitting Users with Zeus Trojan

    Researchers warn inquisitive netizens not to click on links in unsolicited emails

  12. Nude Celeb Pics Leaked Online After Apparent Phone Hacks

    Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence one of many affected

  13. 20% Report Child Sex Abuse Downloads at Work

    A survey reveals that child molestors are sitting in one-fifth of corporate offices.

  14. Verizon Adds QR Codes to Authentication Mix

    Enterprises and web pages can add mobile codes to a 'post-password' identty management approach.

  15. Former US Government Cyber Security Boss Convicted of Tor Pedophile Offences

    Former US Government Cyber Security Boss Convicted of Tor Pedophile Offences. FBI’s controversial Operation Torpedo claims another scalp

  16. UK Justice Ministry Fined £180k After Prisoner Data Breach

    ICO slams prisons service for failing to activate encryption on hard drive

  17. Backoff Malware Behind Thousands of PoS Hacks

    UPS and Supervalu are two victims that have come forward.

  18. Social Media Share Button Add-on Hides FlashPack Malware

    Trend Micro warns website owners to stay alert

  19. What Healthcare Should Learn from CHS' Heartbleed Breach

    Changing security requirements for healthcare are opening up big new challenges for the sector.

  20. Middle Eastern TV Piracy is Dealt a Blow

    15 feeds have been taken down, as pay-TV booms in the region.

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