Infosecurity News

  1. Sony PlayStation Back Online After DDoS Attack

    Lizard Squad promises that Xbox Live is the next target.

  2. Authentication Bypass Hits Joomla!

    A complex exploit stemming from the Akeemba extension could affect millions globally.

  3. Chinese Hackers Stole Secret MH370 Documents – Report

    Malaysian government claims attackers lifted confidential info on stricken airplane

  4. Europe Bombarded With Cyber Attacks from Russia

    Honeypot data shows credential-stealing cybercriminals are still using Conficker.

  5. Machete APT Hacks Through South American Victims

    Kaspersky Lab uncovers new targeted attack aimed at government, military and spy agencies

  6. Facebook Awards $50K for Inaugural Internet Defense Prize

    The social network is focusing on making the web safer via protection.

  7. SSL Vulnerabilities Found in 68% of Most Popular Android Apps

    FireEye claims Google Play customers at risk of man-in-the-middle attacks

  8. ISACA: Boards Must Add Cybersecurity Oversight to the Mix

    Directors must get involved, or face firings and other consequences.

  9. Fake Evernote Extension Blasts Web Surfers with Junk Ads

    The offending adware evades browser detection by mimicking the real thing, leaving users unaware of the issue.

  10. British Kids Exposed to Internet Porn from an Early Age

    Thinktank IPPR’s findings spell worrying news for online security and cyber-bullying.

  11. Four on Trial for Dating Fraud

    Alleged scammers managed to con one victim out of $290,000

  12. Met Police Push For Enforced Passcodes on All Mobile Devices

    UK mobile phone security ranks shockingly low as phone theft persists.

  13. UK Government Told to Pay £224 Million After e-Borders Fiasco

    Border Agency advisers didn’t do their job, tribunal rules

  14. Tumblr: Set to Be Next Malvertising Target?

    The social network’s sharing function makes some blogs prime targets.

  15. GameOver Zeus Variant Begins Exponential Botnet Build

    newGOZ Trojan is spreading globally and poised to start stealing funds.

  16. Stuxnet Vulnerability Still Present on Millions of Machines

    Unpatched software leaves the door open for widespread cyber-espionage and more.

  17. 4.5 Million Records Stolen from Community Health by Chinese Hackers

    Rather than intellectual property, the hackers went after patients’ personal data.

  18. GCHQ Scans Entire Countries for Flaws to Exploit – Report

    Documents claim British spies are port scanning for vulnerabilities on a massive scale.

  19. Irish Credit Unions Accused of Using Stolen Data to Find Customers

    Private investigators allegedly used false identities to trick government staff into handing over personal info

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