Infosecurity News

  1. Critroni Ransomware Makes Its Way into the Wild

    Tor and key-based encryption anchor this sophisticated malware.

  2. LinkedIn Users Hit With New Phishing Scam

    Latest phony email claims recipient’s account has been blocked.

  3. Privileged Accounts at Root of Most Data Breaches

    A survey suggests that this vulnerability is the most critical in any organization.

  4. German Lawmakers Mull Return to Typewriters to Outfox NSA Snoopers

    Extreme measures considered in response to allegations of ongoing US spying.

  5. Active Directory Flaw Could Threaten 95% of Fortune 500 with Massive Information Heist

    An attack can evade detection and log-based security systems, but Microsoft says it's no big deal.

  6. Microsoft's Answer to Buggy Code: Monitor the Coder

    Eye-tracking, EEG and EDA sensors could alert managers when programmers are struggling, according to new study.

  7. Banks Often Neglect to Investigate Fraud Claims

    Many believe that paying victim damages is less expensive than investing in security.

  8. SSL Blacklist Takes Aim at Bad Certificates

    The public database publicizes malware-associated SSL certificates.

  9. Keyloggers Take Aim at Hotel Business Centers

    Guests have no way of knowing if those public computers are safe.

  10. ICO Handles Record Number of Data Protection Complaints

    Graham calls on parliament to increase watchdog's powers and guarantee its independence.

  11. Secure Email Service Tutanota Picks Self Up After XSS Discovery

    German firm patches newly found vulnerability within hours

  12. 35% of Companies Aren't Prepared for APTs

    A huge gap in awareness and preparedness for APTs persists across the board.

  13. New Analysis Shows Most Software Vulnerabilities Are Minor

    Penn State's new benchmarking service has gone to work evaluating the current state of play for software flaws.

  14. 70% of Critical Infrastructure Organizations Suffered Breaches in the Last Year

    An endemic lack of preparedness opens the door for bigger and more frequent attacks going forward.

  15. Stop Worrying about Data Breach Prevention, says SafeNet VP

    Increase in cloud services and virtualized environments has led to more breaches, while cost of technologies to combat these incidents decreases.

  16. Facebook Disrupts Its First Botnet, Post-Threat Network Launch

    The social network worked with Greek police to take down a rapidly spreading network.

  17. McAfee Plots Security Framework for Internet of Things

    With billions of connected devices set to come online, threats will only grow exponentially.

  18. Blackshades RAT: A Resurgent and Dangerous Enterprise Threat

    Even after an FBI takedown, Blackshades is exceling in espionage and theft.

  19. Boleto Fraud Ring Siphons $3.75 Billion from Brazilian Banks

    Money order-like payment system becomes a top financial target.

  20. World Cup Phishers Hope Fans Nibble at Luis Suárez Bait

    Fraudsters are getting mileage from the Suárez World Cup biting incident.

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