Infosecurity News

  1. ‘NSA-proof’ Encrypted Email Service Tutanota Launches

    German crypto-experts offer 1GB of storage in free service aimed at mass market.

  2. Crypto-email Service ProtonMail Back After PayPal Unblocks Account

    Payments giant says account freeze was a mistake

  3. UK Tabloid Snoop Hacked ATM to Tap Celeb Voicemails

    Glenn Mulcaire used the phone line of his local cash machine to disguise his celebrity hacking activity, court hears.

  4. London Youth Charged With Spamhaus DDoS Attack

    17-year-old appeared in Camberwell Youth court in connection with 2013 attack which rocked the internet.

  5. 20% of Consumers Fall Victim to Payment Card Fraud

    Worldwide, users are losing faith in their financial institutions.

  6. Rogue Ad Network Double-dips on Revenue by Serving Malware

    Its owners earn pay-per-click ad revenue and malware install commissions.

  7. PlugX Targeted Attack Abuses Dropbox for C&C Updates

    Trend Micro researchers say attack was aimed at Taiwan government.

  8. TimThumb Zero-day Exploit Weakens WordPress

    The flaw can allow remote execution.

  9. Pizza Parlours Hit With Letters of Extortion Demanding Bitcoin Payment

    US businesses non-plussed after cryptocurrency demands are mailed out.

  10. Rootkit Levels Are Down, But That Won't Last for Long

    Rootkits are learning how to get around 64-bit protection.

  11. Half of All Network Devices Are Outdated – And Vulnerable

    Aging, unsupported equipment leaves devices wide open to hackers and criminals.

  12. Selfmite Worms its Way Onto Victims’ Phones

    SMS-based malware could expose Android users to unnecessary risk.

  13. Bypass Discovered for PayPal's Two-factor Authentication

    Mobile log-in could be compromised.

  14. Mobile Surveillance Trojans for iOS and Android Proliferate Worldwide

    Kaspersky Lab says they make use of "legal" spying tool to watch political targets.

  15. It’s a Trap! Notorious Pony Loader Malware Updated to Steal Bitcoins

    Info-stealing malware used to distribute Gameover Zeus gets a facelift

  16. Cisco Open-sources Experimental Cipher

    FNR is aimed specifically at small web objects.

  17. Watering Hole Hackers Sniff Out Industrial Control Systems for Future Attack

    F-Secure spots Havex malware group narrowing a focus on ICS/SCADA systems

  18. Online Daters Targeted by Massive Phishing Campaign

    Attacks aim to compromise user accounts so gangs can follow up with dating fraud.

  19. Code Spaces Demise Exposes Cloud Security Failings

    Site forced to close after attacker infiltrated its EC2 control panel.

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