Infosecurity News

  1. Wily ‘Clandestine Fox’ Changes Attack Tools and Vectors to Snare Victims

    FireEye warns group which exploited XP zero day is now using new malware and social media to trick employees.

  2. Smart TVs Represent a Massive and Vulnerable Attack Surface

    As connected TVs become mainstream, a flaw in the HbbTV standard threatens widespread chaos.

  3. Second Chinese PLA Hacking Unit Unmasked in ‘Putter Panda’ Report

    CrowdStrike intelligence alleges Unit 61486 hacked satellite firms since at least 2007

  4. Scammers Trick Thousands of Twitter Users with ‘Follower’ Bait

    The Twitterverse falls for the promise of more followers.

  5. Malvertising and Cryptowall Mark the Appearance of the RIG Exploit Kit

    Since first appearing in April, RIG traffic volume continues to rise

  6. IEEE CEO Loeb Named ISACA CEO

    Former IEEE chief will bring a focus on expanding the central strategic role of the cybersecurity function.

  7. DARPA Announces First Teams and DEF CON Colocation for Cyber Grand Challenge

    The two-year competition to develop self-healing security is well on its way.

  8. How to Integrate Security into Core Business Processes

    The Information Security Forum explains how the CISO can play a key role in central business strategy.

  9. Experts Discover File-Encrypting Android Ransomware

    Simplocker is not as sophisticated as Cryptolocker, but it could still imperil all your SD card files

  10. (ISC)² Announces GISLA Award Winners

    The non-profit-driven awards showcase excellence in federal government information security.

  11. American Express Warns California Residents of Data Breach

    Approximately 76,000 victims were part of the Anonymous protest hack in March.

  12. Pirate Bay Co-founder Arrested in Sweden

    Sunde will face prison after two years on the lam.

  13. BT Picks Former GCHQ Man as New Head of Cyber

    Les Anderson spent 27 years developing security capabilities for likes of MoD and GCHQ.

  14. Soraya Malware Combines Worst of ZeuS and Dexter to Grab Card Data

    Arbor Networks uncovers slick new malware targeting point of sale systems.

  15. New Script Kicks Google 'Glassholes' Off the Network

    Engineer writes simple program to scan for and de-authorise Google Glass wearers.

  16. International Law Enforcement Sinkhole GameOver Zeus and CryptoLocker Botnets

    The takedown was successful, but disruption may only last a week or two.

  17. FireEye Unearths More Molerats Targeted Attack Campaigns

    APT hunter uncovers expanded target list including UK government and BBC

  18. TrueCrypt Lives On as New Team Relocates to Switzerland

    True believers looking for volunteers with a view to forking the code.

  19. Monsanto Sprouts Data Breach Affecting Thousands

    The agri-com and biotech giant has launched a forensics investigation.

  20. Significant Percentage of Ex-employees Can Still Access Privileged Information

    Cavalier attitudes to password management, even for ex-employees, pave the way to a new era of data breaches.

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