Infosecurity News

  1. Sacrebleu! French Spooks Snoop on US Execs’ Docs

    Former defense secretary gates says French are most ‘capable’ hacking nation after China.

  2. Malware Breaks All Records in Q1 2014

    Staggering numbers of new samples appearing daily.

  3. PayPal Phishing Scam Evolves into Sophistication

    A PayPal phish evolves before researchers' eyes.

  4. ICO Names and Shames Student Loans Company After Multiple Data Leaks

    SLC sent personal data including medical records to the wrong people

  5. Malware Callbacks Point to Heavy Cyber Attack Barrage During Crimea Crisis

    FireEye data shows communications back to C&C servers in Russia and Ukraine spiked as geopolitical tensions heightened.

  6. House Moves to Sever Crypto-ties Between NSA and NIST

    An amendment to the FIRST Act looks to restrict NSA access to standards process.

  7. New Web Vulnerabilities Expose eBay User Data Again

    Internet giant eBay is hit with fresh revelations over preventable flaws in its website.

  8. Lowe's Warns Of Cloud-related Data Compromise

    An insecure backup incident affects 35,000 employees over a period of nine months.

  9. Outlook for Android Leaves Private Messages Wide Open for Stealing

    The flaw in mobile app development plagues many messaging apps.

  10. (ISC)² Announces GISLA Award Finalists for Government Security

    (ISC)² will honor excellence in advancing the nation’s public-sector cybersecurity posture on June 3.

  11. New Security Fears Over Keyboard and Trackpad Data Retention

    Privacy International warns that various PC components could retain data, raising concerns over recycled IT kit.

  12. Slick $5K Malware-as-a-Service Takes Over Android to Steal Financial Data

    The powerful iBanking Android malware spreads beyond Russian cyber-gangs.

  13. Über-Secure ProtonMail Beta Maxes Out Servers in Just 60 Hours

    Lavabit heir built by CERN boffins sees huge demand for its NSA-proof email capabilities.

  14. FireEye Backs Washington with New APT1 Data Linking Attacks to China

    Mandiant owner says connection days and times fit perfectly with the average PLA working day.

  15. Facebook Implements Free Browser-based AV for Users

    If a malware infection is suspected, Facebook will prompt the user to run a scanner from F-Secure or Trend Micro.

  16. Researchers Blast eBay Over Data Breach

    Several concerning security practices point to a compromise that may have been prevented – or at least significantly mitigated.

  17. FBI Finds it Hard to Weed Out Best Cyber Operatives

    Bureau director Comey admits he may have to relax zero tolerance approach to marijuana-smoking recruits in bid to attract best talent.

  18. South China Sea Cyber Scuffles Could Impact Western Firms

    Cyber Squared’s ThreatConnect team warns that increasing tensions in the area could put military, diplomatic and economic interests at risk.

  19. Kovter Adult Website Ransomware Doubles

    Damballa researchers warn malware redirects users to porn sites if none can be found in browsing history.

  20. US Files Indictments of Five Chinese Officials for Cyber-spying

    The United States has filed an unprecedented set of indictments against five Chinese military officials believed to be responsible for wide-ranging cyber-espionage on private-sector U.S. companies.

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