Infosecurity News

  1. New Mac trojan discovered: OSX Crisis (or Morcut)

    Mac security firm Intego was the first to sound the alarm yesterday, calling the newly discovered trojan Backdoor:OSX/Crisis. Today Sophos issues its own warning about OSX/Morcut.A – which seems to be the same malware.

  2. FTC warns unauthorized wireless charges becoming a significant problem

    The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning that unauthorized charges on wireless phone bills, known as “cramming”, are becoming an increasingly serious problem for US consumers.

  3. Boston hospital loses laptop with patients' personal information

    A physician’s unencrypted personal laptop that may have contained protected health information on 3,900 patients at Boston-based Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center was stolen, the hospital admitted Monday.

  4. Latest report shows India now ahead of the US in email spam volume

    The latest 'Dirty Dozen' spam-relaying countries report from Sophos shows that Asia in general, and India in particular, is now responsible for the greatest volume of the world’s spam.

  5. Pinterest locks down accounts to stem hacking

    The social sharing site Pinterest has begun temporarily locking down accounts in an effort to combat an increase in suspected hacking on the site.

  6. More than 100 infected PCs found in Japan’s Finance Ministry

    The Japanese Finance Ministry announced on Friday that it had discovered 123 desktop computers that had been infected with a remote access trojan between January 2010 and November 2011.

  7. Growing concern over what Microsoft may be doing with Skype

    Following the first ever loss reported by Microsoft last week – largely blamed on the purchase of aQuantive in 2007 – it is the purchase of Skype for $8.5 billion in 2011 that is most concerning security folks.

  8. Nearly 70,000 mobile phones will be lost or stolen during the London Olympics

    Venafi has been extrapolating statistics from mobile phone loss – and expects the equivalent of 200 million books full of data will be lost during the course of the London Olympics.

  9. Group claims credit for hack into Yale's network

    The group NullCrew has claimed that it hacked into Yale University’s network and stole user names, passwords, social security numbers, addresses, and phone numbers of 1,200 students and staff.

  10. Police close the investigation into ClimateGate

    Nearly three years ago, computers at the University of East Anglia were breached and thousands of confidential scientific documents, many skeptical that climate change is man-made, were stolen and subsequently leaked. The incident became known as ClimateGate.

  11. A cyber terrorist ate my hamster

    Space Rogue is a graduate of L0pht Heavy Industries - one of the original and best of the old-school hacking groups. He knows a bit about hacking, hacking events – and those that never happened.

  12. Smart grid cybersecurity gaps stem from industry failings, government disputes

    The electricity industry has failed to consistently include cybersecurity features in the deployment of smart grid systems, and jurisdictional disputes have stymied government action, judged the US Government Accountability Office (GAO).

  13. Online gamers targeted by phishers

    Researchers have discovered new phishing campaigns targeted against online gamers: Trend Micro citing WOW: Mists of Pandaria, and GFI Software citing Star Wars: The Old Republic.

  14. Researchers criticize Tridium for being 'unresponsive' to security issues

    Billy Rios and Terry McCorkle, the researchers who worked with the Washington Post to uncover security gaps in Tridium’s Niagara Framework, said that Tridium has been “unresponsive” to fixing the flaws.

  15. Cisco buys Virtuata, a California-based virtual security firm

    Cisco announced yesterday that it had completed the acquisition of a little known privately held company that develops security for cloud and virtualized environments.

  16. Pulaski Bank sues former employees for taking company data to new employers

    First State Bank in Kansas opened two new mortgage offices, and recruited staff from Pulaski Bank – but Pulaski claims that staff wasn’t all they took.

  17. FBI teams with DARPA, George Mason to fuzz test Android apps

    The FBI is teaming with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and George Mason University to perform fuzz testing on Android mobile applications.

  18. German state buys CD of Swiss bank customers for €3.5m

    Authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous of Germany’s 16 federal states, have purchased a CD containing the private Swiss bank details of about 1000 wealthy German citizens.

  19. 50% Job leavers steal confidential company data

    New details from Iron Mountain show the extent to which employees leaving employment will take confidential company data with them when they go.

  20. FTC urges Congress to renew cross-border online scam power

    A US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) official urged Congress on Thursday to reauthorize the Safe Web Act, which gives the agency power to combat cross-border online scammers.

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