Infosecurity News

  1. RSA 2012: Top G-Man says Anonymous, not Al-Qaeda, will be top security threat

    Cybersecurity threats will overtake terrorism as the top US national security concern, FBI Director Robert Mueller told the RSA Conference on Thursday.

  2. Infosec professionals unsure about abilities to stop cyber attacks

    Three-fourths of information security professionals lack confidence in their ability to address cybersecurity threats, according to a survey by LogRhythm.

  3. “ACTA’s harm greatly exceeds its potential benefits...”

    Yesterday the Directorate General for External Policies at the European Parliament held a workshop on the The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).

  4. Compromised websites leading to banking malware

    M86 Security is warning that recent spam campaigns are luring victims to compromised websites that redirect to malicious Phoenix-hosting sites, which in turn seek to infect the visitor with the Cridex trojan.

  5. The ten most important security events and issues from 2011, and what they presage for the future

    Kaspersky Lab’s analysis of the ‘evolution of malware’ during 2011, from the rise of hacktivism to the emergence of Mac malware; and the consequent lessons for the future.

  6. RSA 2012: Hacking, external actors dominate 2011 data breaches

    A full 86% of the data breach cases investigated by Verizon Business in 2011 originated from hacking, and 92% were carried out by an external agent rather than an insider or partner, according to select findings from its 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) released at the RSA Conference.

  7. Bodog takedown: maybe SOPA and PIPA and ACTA and DEA just aren’t necessary

    Civil liberties groups are happy that SOPA has, at least temporarily, gone away; and that ACTA seems to be running into problems in some European countries. But given recent LEA takedowns, are these new laws even necessary?

  8. RSA 2012: Anonymous shakes up complacent corporate management

    Anonymous has had at least one beneficial effect: top management at companies are starting to pay attention to information security, judged Grady Summers, vice president at MANDIANT, who participated in a Wednesday panel discussion on hacktivism at the RSA Conference.

  9. RSA 2012: Are software liability laws needed?

    Software liability laws are needed to hold software companies accountable for making faulty products, argued Bruce Schneier, chief technology security officer with BT during a pro-con debate held Wednesday at the RSA Conference.

  10. RSA 2012: Schneier on why Anonymous is not a group and why they’re certainly not as good as you think they are

    At the RSA Conference 2012 in San Francisco, February 29, Bruce Schneier and Davi Ottenheimer discuss Schneier’s latest book and how to enable the trust that society needs to thrive.

  11. RSA 2012: BYOD often means ‘bring your own danger’

    Three-quarters of IT professionals believe that personally owned mobile devices put their organizations at risk and only 39% have the necessary security controls to address the risk posed by the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) phenomenon, according to a Websense-sponsored survey by the Ponemon Institute released Wednesday at RSA.

  12. Risky business: IT professionals use risky methods for access control

    A majority of information security professionals are employing risky methods to control access to enterprise servers, according to a survey by Fox Technologies and Echelon One.

  13. XSS vulnerabilities discovered almost on demand

    The last week has seen multiple XSS vulnerabilities found almost anywhere and everywhere on the internet, lending early weight to predictions for 2012.

  14. Identity theft remains the major complaint reported to the FTC

    For the 12th consecutive year the FTC has revealed that identity theft tops the list of consumer complaints received: 15% of 1.8 million complaints in 2011.

  15. RSA 2012: Cyber security school challenge reaches 8000 children in 2011

    At the RSA conference in San Francisco, February 28 2012, Joyce Brocaglia, founder of the Executive Women’s Foundation, hosted a session on the logistics and impact of the cyber security school challenge - a collaborative outreach program that helps educate youth on the topics of online security, privacy, and safety.

  16. RSA 2012: Schneier reveals three biggest information security risks in 2012

    In his session at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, February 28th 2012, Bruce Schneier listed what he perceives to be the three biggest risks to information security right now: The rise of big data; ill-conceived law enforcement regulations; and the cyberwar arms race.

  17. RSA 2012: Coviello's mea culpa

    Looking none the worse for wear from the huge RSA data breach last year, Chairman Arthur Coviello Jr. said he and his team felt the breach “personally” and have struggled to regain the company's reputation in the security community.

  18. Gatekeeper – a new security feature or a walled garden for OSX?

    Apple’s OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion due this summer will contain a new feature called Gatekeeper. Opinions vary on whether it is a genuine security feature or the cornerstone of a new walled garden.

  19. WikiLeaks redux: Site teams with hacktivists to publish Stratfor emails

    WikiLeaks is back in the news. The site dedicated to leaking state secrets has teamed with Anonymous to disclose emails from intelligence firm Stratfor, which Anonymous offshoot LulzSec breached in December.

  20. Agari expands use of DMARC email security standard through new program

    Based on the DMARC email authentication standard announced last month, Agari has launched a receiver program that enables mailbox providers to adopt DMARC and improve their customers’ email security.

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