Infosecurity News

  1. Pakistan bans VPNs to prevent users accessing banned websites

    Pakistani authorities have banned the use of virtual private networks in a crackdown on internet access.

  2. Former Akamai employee pleads guilty to trying to sell secrets to Israel

    A 43-year-old former finance department employee of web optimization firm Akamai has pleaded guilty to espionage charges in the US.

  3. Ex-Anonymous hacktivist offers advice to stop hackers

    SparkyBlaze, a former hacktivist with Anonymous, offered some advice to companies to stop hackers, in an interview with Cisco’s Jason Lackey.

  4. Mysterious Florida ATM heist nets cybercriminals $13 million

    A mysterious ATM heist involving just 22 pre-paid debit cards - and hackers allegedly altering the maximum daily withdrawal limits - has reportedly lost an American bank around $13 million.

  5. Northumbria Police Authority website defaced, fixed, but the hack lives on in Google's cache

    The website of the Northumbria Police Authority was hacked recently but, according to Chris Boyd, a senior researcher with GFI Software, the hack lives on in Google's search caches.

  6. Firms should take coordinated response to hacktivists, ISF advises

    Organizations should ensure that their information security, public relations, and legal departments coordinate their response to a hacktivist attack, recommends Greg Nowak with the Information Security Forum (ISF).

  7. Data on 350,000 Epson Korea customers compromised

    Personal information on 350,000 South Koreans was breached as a result of a hack of Epson Korea’s website.

  8. DoD works to improve smartphone security awareness

    The Department of Defense (DoD) is working on improving security awareness for smartphones and other mobile computing platforms used by DoD personnel.

  9. Cutwail botnet resurfaces in major Facebook scam-paign

    An M86 Software researcher says his team has seen a major malicious spam campaign that is using the Cutwail botnet to bombard Facebook users with a variety of infected messages.

  10. Security researcher shows money mules know exactly what they are doing

    A leading security researcher claims to have researched a money mule – people who allow their bank accounts to become staging posts for fraudulent money obtained in online scams – that clearly knew exactly what he was doing.

  11. Qualys develops open source tool to negate 'slow HTTP' DDoS attacks

    A Qualys researcher has developed an open source tool that helps to negate the effects of so-called 'slow HTTP' DDOS attacks on internet-connected servers.

  12. Microsoft warns of fraudulent digital certificate issued by DigiNotar

    Microsoft has issued a security advisory warning of at least one fraudulent digital certificate issued by root certificate authority (CA) DigiNotar.

  13. Researcher fingers Medtronic as maker of vulnerable insulin pumps

    The Medtronic Paradigm insulin pump is vulnerable to a wireless cyber attack, enabling the attacker to remotely disable the pump or manipulate the dosage, according to security researcher and diabetic Jerome Radcliffe.

  14. Microsoft fixes bugs in updates to three SDL tools

    Microsoft is fixing a number of bugs in recent updates to three of its Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) tools, which enable developers to build security and privacy into their applications.

  15. It's Bank Holiday time – but check your computer security when you come back says M86

    The coming weekend is, of course, the big summer bank holiday period when a lot of people grab a few days final holidays before the autumn. But, warns M86 Security, the bank holiday period is also one when cybercriminals are very active, so the vendor is advising computer users to check their system's security when they get back.

  16. Trojan/Badlib identified as malware distribution network

    A Symantec research team have revealed that a new trojan – Trojan-Badlib – is being used as a malware distribution network by unknown hackers.

  17. Maine admits to data breach of voter registration system

    Maine’s Central Voter Registration (CVS) has been breached, potentially exposing personal information on close to one million registered voters.

  18. Trend Micro VP questions US government's plans to cloud-control its submarines

    A Trend Micro vice president of cloud security has spotted plans by the US government to look at more innovative ways to control its IT resources, and makes the interesting observation that DARPA may even be looking at controlling the US Navy's submarines from the cloud.

  19. Facebook responds to criticism and reworks privacy settings

    After mounting pressure and rising levels of criticism, Facebook has significantly revamped its privacy settings and, while the general response has been positive, some critics are less than enthusiastic.

  20. Chinese military exposed as experienced internet attackers

    An apparent slip-up by producers on a Chinese TV programme has revealed that the country's military are using attackbot applications on their PCs to attack Western computer systems.

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