Infosecurity News

  1. Lockheed Martin teams with power firm on smart grid cybersecurity

    Lockheed Martin is teaming with American Electric Power to offer the Palisade cybersecurity product for the smart electricity grid.

  2. Australia's JanusNET launches in the UK in mobile space

    JanusNET - a leading IT security vendor in Australia - is in the process of setting up in the UK and Infosecurity managed to talk to the firm's managing director Greg Colla late last month.

  3. Malicious spam campaign uses overdue credit card account as leverage

    M86 Security is reporting a malicious spam campaign is now under way, fooling internet users into downloading an "attached statement" with a message that their credit card is overdue.

  4. Hiloti trojan infections triple in the UK reports Trusteer

    Trusteer, the web browser security specialist, is reporting a surge in the number of people's computers infected with the Hiloti trojan. The firm says that, in the UK, infection rates have tripled in the last ten days.

  5. Hackers attack Gannett US govt media portals and download user data

    Hackers are reported to have gained unauthorised access to a network of US defence industry news portals and downloaded sensitive user information that could be used in spear phishing and other types of targeted attacks.

  6. Researcher discovers new Android attack vector

    A Symantec researcher claims to have discovered a new type of Android malware threat in the shape of class loading hijacking, which effectively means that hackers can remotely take over most, if not all, aspects of a smartphone or tablet computer.

  7. Unstructured data compliance costs firms an average of $2.1 million annually

    The average cost of compliance associated with storing unstructured data is $2.1 million per year, according to a report prepared by the Ponemon Institute for software firm Novell.

  8. LulzSec's last database share was infected

    It seems that the last database upload on filesharing sites from the LulzSec hacktivist group – which publicly disbanded last weekend – was infected with malware.

  9. Symantec researcher delves into the technology of a backdoor attack

    If you mistakenly click on an infected link in an email, a lot can happen, but now a Symantec researcher has detailed – in some depth – what happens during a typical backdoor attack.

  10. Time for a new approach to stealth crimeware, says McAfee and Intel

    The current operating system-based security model is not adequate to stop the proliferation of stealth crimeware, concludes a recent white paper by McAfee and Intel.

  11. Google ads security features for Gmail to help reduce phishing

    Today Google announced it will be adding new features to Gmail accounts in an effort to reduce the effectiveness of phishing emails.

  12. FBI raids Iowa woman's home as part of LulzSec probe

    FBI agents raided an Iowa woman’s home this week looking for information on the Lulz Security (LulzSec) hacker group that had been on a 50-day hacking spree before an alleged member of its group was arrested in the UK.

  13. New group of hacktivists claim downing of MasterCard website

    A new group of hacktivists associated with the AntiSec movement claim to have staged a major DDoS attack against MasterCard, apparently in connection with the long-running controversy over the removal of card processing facilities for the WikiLeaks group.

  14. Cellcrypt introduces 256-bit random-seeded encryption telephony for the iPhone

    Cellcrypt has extended its public key cryptography service to users of the Apple iPhone, adding to the apps already available for the Symbian, Blackberry and Android platforms.

  15. Security researcher claims banks are key to killing rogue online pharmacies

    A leading security researcher claims that more than half of all sales at the world's largest rogue internet pharmacy in the last four years were charged to credit and debit cards issued by the top seven card-issuing banks.

  16. House Republican cybersecurity task force given until October to respond to administration

    The House Republican leadership has tasked Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) to head a cybersecurity task force to analyze the Obama administration’s cybersecurity legislative proposal and to develop a Republican response by October.

  17. A more secure version of Android now in development

    Whisper Systems, one of the more innovative Android software houses, has released a beta test edition of Whispercore, an extended version of Google Android for Nexus S and Nexus One smartphones.

  18. Black Hat USA and Defcon: event streaming and kids' sessions on the agenda

    The organisers of Black Hat and its parallel Defcon security event, due to be held in Las Vegas this summer, have announced a number of enhancements, including live event streaming for Black Hat, and a kids security education session for Defcon 19.

  19. SQL injection most dangerous threat, according to CWE/SANS list of top software flaws

    SQL injection flaw is the most dangerous software vulnerability, according to the 2011 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors.

  20. Dutch hackers release personal details on former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair

    Hard on the heels of publicly slating - and declaring war - on the LulzSec hacktivist group, Teamp0ison, the Dutch hacking group, has posted a large volume of private emails and information about former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

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