Infosecurity News

  1. Trend Micro spots Android malware acting as SMS relay

    A Trend Micro security researcher claims to have discovered a new type of malware infection on the Google Android platform that acts as an SMS (text message) relay.

  2. Eugene Kaspersky warns that the internet could become a war zone

    Building on a presentation he made at the Infosecurity Europe event in late April, Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky Lab, has warned of the danger that the internet could become a cyberconflict vehicle for governments to attack each other.

  3. Travelodge UK confirms no financial data has been breached

    Travelodge has confirmed that a "small number" of customers have received a spam e-mail via a third party, but insists that no financial data is at risk.

  4. EU mulls proposal to mandate data breach advisories by firms

    The European Union (EU) is planning new legislation to mandate companies to publicly admit that they have suffered a data breach.

  5. ChronoPay co-founder allegedly linked to DDoS attacks

    The reputation of the Russian ChronoPay e-money service has taken a further battering after a security researcher linked the co-founder of the service - who has apparently fled from Russia - with a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack against a competitor.

  6. iOS 5 jailbreak may block pirate software says developer

    Users of the Installous software - an extensible code environment for jailbroken Apple iPhones - could be in for a shock if they are thinking of upgrading to a jailbroken version of iOS5, which is already doing the rounds of the iPhone cognoscenti.

  7. Winklevoss twins call off battle against Facebook

    Twin brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, who claim Mark Zuckerberg stole their idea for the social networking site Facebook, have abandoned legal attempts to renegotiate the original $65m settlement.

  8. Pirate TV operation offering illegal BSkyB subscriptions shut down

    Authorities in Cyprus have shut down a major pirate TV operation that offered illegal subscriptions to BSkyB, Nova and BFBS payTV subscription services.

  9. TeaMp0isoN declare war on LulzSec hactivists

    Hell hath no fury like a hacker scorned, it seems, as a Dutch hacking crew called TeaMp0ison has effectively declared a cyberwar between its members and the LulzSec hacktivist group.

  10. Antichat hacker forum data breach reveals weak passwords are endemic

    A rising volume of research has suggested of late that internet users make frequent re-use of passwords, as well as using relatively weak passwords that are easy to brute force hack. Now a security researcher claims his research suggests that - irony of ironies - hackers are equally slovenly when it comes to their own passphrases.

  11. So who are these LulzSec characters anyway?

    As the first arrest allegedly associated with the LulzSec hacktivist group has taken place, Rob Rachwald, director of security with Imperva, has detailed who the group's leaders are.

  12. Citigroup took too long to notify customers, says senator

    Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) took Citigroup to task for not informing its credit card holders about the data breach affecting 360,000 North American customers, during a Tuesday hearing of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.

  13. Germany opens cyber defense center in response to critical infrastructure attacks

    Germany has launched a national cyber defense center in Bonn aimed mainly at protecting critical national infrastructure from cyber attacks.

  14. Kaspersky uses cloud intelligence for automated PDF threat analysis

    Kaspersky Lab has announced that a new feature of its security software - File Advisor - will use cloud threat intelligence to verify the safety of Adobe PDF files.

  15. So who are these LulzSec characters anyway?

    As the first arrest allegedly associated with the LulzSec hacktivist group has taken place, Rob Rachwald, director of security with Imperva has detailed who the group's leaders are.

  16. Everyday malware, spyware still a top concern of IT administrators

    Over half of IT personnel view everyday threats from malware and spyware as their number one security concern, not headline-grabbing attacks like Stuxnet, Night Dragon, and Operation Aurora, according to a survey by vulnerability management provider eEye Digital Security.

  17. SOCA website hit by LulzSec-driven DDoS attack

    The website of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) is reported to have been hit by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack for most of the last 24 hours.

  18. Trend Micro's Rik Ferguson says latest hacking developments are down to hacking evolution – not revolution

    The rash of apparently successful hacks against major corporates in recent weeks has hit the headlines but, says Rik Ferguson, director of security research with Trend Micro, it does not represent an internet meltdown as some experts are saying.

  19. Security researcher warns on malware-infested cracked software

    A growing number of PC users are downloading 'cracked' versions of popular paid-for software but, says Brian Krebs, a leading security researcher, there is a distinct security risk attached to this type of pirated software.

  20. Even in public sector, mobility presents largest security challenge

    The trend of consumerization facing many enterprise-based IT departments is also being felt in the public sector, even in areas where confidentiality and security are paramount. This was the message imparted by the NSA’s Debora Plunkett during a special session at today’s Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit in Washington.

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