Infosecurity News

  1. Lizamoon hits thousands of websites, but claims few victims

    The Lizamoon mass SQL injection attack in which rogue code was injected into thousands of legitimate sites to lure users to malicious sites has claimed few victims.

  2. RSA hackers exploited Adobe Flash vulnerability

    The breach of RSA’s SecureID two-factor authentication product was accomplished through a vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player, the company has revealed.

  3. Epsilon e-mail data breach has knock-on effect for several brands

    US-based direct marketing firm Epsilon admits that some customer details have been stolen by hackers, which security experts say may have serious knock-on effects.

  4. iPhone/iPad 4.3.1 untethered jailbreak arrives

    Cellcos selling network locked iPhones and iPads have woken up this morning to news that the famous iPhone Dev Team have released an 'untethered' jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1, the latest version of the operating system for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

  5. Spammers targeting Kroger customers in the US

    Reports show that the email customer list of Kroger, one of the major supermarket chains in the US, has fallen into the hands of hackers, who are said to be spamming the list with large volumes of unwanted messages.

  6. Avast Software reports almost 750,000 alleged pirates of single license key

    Avast Software has revealed that just under 750,000 pirates are using the pay-for security software license details of an Arizona bar association with more than 1,500 legal professionals on its books.

  7. IEEE admits to breach of members' credit card information

    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the professional association responsible for developing IT and other industry standards, admitted to a breach of its network and the possible theft of its members’ credit card information.

  8. Oklahoma hospital suffers data breach of 84,000 patient records

    A computer containing personal information on 84,000 patients was stolen from the Saint Francis Health System in Tulsa, Okla., the facility admitted recently.

  9. Android trojan gathers personal data, publicly ridicules downloaders

    Google Android users are being warned about a 'free' version of the popular Walk and Text app, a piece of software that allows users to view what is in front of them while they are texting.

  10. For $1,000, new portal allows rumours to be quashed

    In what sounds like an April Fool, but isn't, a new site allows internet users prepared to stump up $1,000 to deny accusations on other websites. The site – iCorrect – reportedly has 35 founder members, most of whom are celebrities.

  11. Google reportedly developing facial recognition smartphone technology

    Google is reportedly developing an app that uses facial recognition to overlay existing apps and offer auto-identification of users on the internet.

  12. Android trojan publicly ridicules downloaders

    Google Android users are being warned about a 'free' version of the popular Walk and Text app, a piece of software that allows users to view what is in front of them whilst they are texting.

  13. Chinese RSA attack domains designed to taunt US government

    The silence from RSA over the hack of its servers a couple of weeks ago has been close to deafening, but now it seems that the rumours surrounding the attack are starting to gel. According to one security researcher, the domain names used for the RSA attack were clearly designed to taunt the current US administration.

  14. Comodo admits two more registration authorities hacked

    Digital certificate authority Comodo has admitted that two more of its registration authorities (RAs) have been hacked. The hacks appear to be separate from the so-called Iranian lone hacker incident earlier in the month when at least five accounts were compromised.

  15. BBC news and iPlayer portals go down for 65 minutes – not a DDoS attack says the corporation

    Proof that even the largest organisation can be hit by unexpected downtime came on Tuesday overnight as the BBC iPlayer, BBC news portal and several other services crashed for just over an hour.

  16. European IBM Institute for Advanced Security debuts

    IBM has announced it is sponsoring the creation of a heavy-duty IT security research operation that will operate on a cross-company initiative to assist in helping secure cyberspace.

  17. Relatives lose out as deceased IT users take their passwords with them

    A report just issued claims that, whilst 80% of adults in the UK own digital assets – ranging from iTunes libraries to online bank accounts – only 9% actually 'leave' these assets to their friends and relatives when they die.

  18. Comodo admits two more Registration Authorities hacked

    US digital certificate authority Comodo has admitted that two more of its Registration Authorities (RAs) have been hacked. The hacks appear to be separate from the so-called Iranian lone hacker incident earlier in the month when at least five accounts were compromised.

  19. ANSI, Shared Assessments to study financial impact of patient data breaches

    The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Shared Assessments Program have launched a study examining the financial impact of patient data breaches.

  20. Australian prime minster involved in email hack

    The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) is investigating a major hack of the government's email systems down under.

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