Infosecurity News

  1. Obfuscated multi-browser banking trojan spotted by Spain's S21sec

    A Spanish IT security research firm has spotted a man-in-the-browser trojan that injects HTML in all of the mainstream Web browsers and uses rootkit techniques to hide its presence.

  2. Sophos warns on 'beta test' Mac OS X backdoor trojan

    It used to be a reflection of the maturity of the computer software marketplace that applications went through beta testing to iron out bugs. Now it seems the same process applies to malware, as Sophos is warning users to be on alert for a beta test of a new Mac OS X trojan.

  3. Mass General takes $1 million hit for losing 193 patient records

    Following closely on the heels of its first Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule fine, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has doled out a $1 million fine against Massachusetts General Hospital for a data breach involving 192 patients begin treated for infectious diseases.

  4. SpamIt and Glavmed pharmacy spam campaigns generate $50m a year

    Reports are coming in that a cybercriminal gang - with members who were involved in the Storm and Waledac worms - have raked in more than $150 million promoting unlicensed online pharmacies between May 2007 and June 2010.

  5. ISC releases security fix for Bind DoS vulnerability

    The Internet Systems Consortium has published an advisory and an update for the Bind domain name system software versions 9.7.1 to 9.7.2-P3.

  6. ICO slams Cambridgeshire County Council after USB stick loss

    The latest 'victim' of USB stick loss, Cambridgeshire County Council, has been given an electronic dressing down by the Information Commisoners Office for what the regulator calls a clear breach of the Data Protection Act.

  7. Exxon, Shell, BP hacked in Night Dragon attacks

    Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell and BP were among the oil companies targeted by hackers working through internet servers in China, say US reports.

  8. Comodo CEO paints anti-virus marketing as “unethical”

    Melih Abdulhayoglu, founder of Comodo, is never afraid to make some bold claims or call out the big boys of the anti-virus industry. Once again, the company’s chief executive did not fail to disappoint when he sat down with Infosecurity at last week’s RSA Conference in San Francisco.

  9. Libyan authorities restrict internet access

    The Libyan government could pull the plug on the country's internet as protests sweep the country.

  10. Libyan authorities restrict internet access

    The Libyan government could pull the plug on the country's internet as protests sweep the country.

  11. Iranian Cyber Army turns Voice of America into pro-Iranian propaganda service

    The self-styled Iranian Cyber Army was able to hack into the US government-funded Voice of America website and transform the home page into a pro-Iranian banner that instructed the US government to “stop interfering with Islamic countries.”

  12. UK passport office violated Data Protection Act with data breach

    The UK Identity and Passport Service (IPS) violated the Data Protection Act when it lost the passport renewal applications of 21 UK citizens, according to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

  13. Audit criticizes FERC for lapses in electric grid cybersecurity standards

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved flawed cybersecurity standards for the US national power grid and failed to adequately monitor their implementation, according to an audit by the Department of Energy’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

  14. Internet 'kill switch' reports highlight need for contingency planning, say Infosecurity Europe organisers

    Reports that President Obama is formulating plans to develop an internet 'kill switch', following infrastructure issues raised during the aftermath of the Egypt internet shutdown, should be viewed as a red flag to IT security professionals.

  15. Russian police squash major pharmacy spam campaign

    It seems that Russian police are working steadily to crush the rising tide of so-called pharma spam campaigns, with one security researcher having heard about a raid on the hackers behind the Rx-Promotions scheme.

  16. Zeus malware appears with fake digital certificate

    A German IT security vendor has discovered a version of Zeus that has been signed with its own digital certificate – a move that could fool some corporates into installing the malware thinking it is a legitimate piece of code.

  17. Credant embraces the cloud with on-net policy-based encryption

    Credant Technologies has started testing its data encryption technology in the cloud with a select number of beta test clients, promising other cloud security offerings in the near future.

  18. Security researcher discovers Rapidshare flaw

    A security researcher has detailed how a flaw has been discovered and exploited on Rapidshare, the world's largest file-sharing service.

  19. Oracle fixes 21 flaws in Java SE, Java for Business

    Oracle is fixing 21 flaws in its Java SE and Java for Business products in its February critical patch update issued this week.

  20. Insecure software plays key role in creating cybersecurity vulnerabilities

    Research just published claims to show that a failure to invest in secure software delivery is placing businesses at risk

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