Infosecurity News

  1. DARPA develops technology to prevent surprise cyberattacks

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is undertaking a number of cybersecurity research and development projects for the Department of Defense designed to prevent surprise cyberattacks.

  2. Bredolab botnet revealed by Kaspersky Lab analyst

    Kaspersky Lab's malware analyst Alexei Kadiev has posted an interesting analysis on how the Bredolab botnet – which infected around 30 million PCs at its height – functioned.

  3. Symantec researcher spots C&C botnet toolkit in the wild

    Security researchers from Symantec claim to have spotted a new crimeware toolkit being sold in the underground marketplace. The toolkit – known as Dream Loader – generates a trojan that is exclusively used to distribute malware.

  4. Hotmail tries to plug phishing with Active Views

    Hotmail is claiming it can now tackle its biggest security issues with a way to send and receive active e-mail messages.

  5. Imperva CEO says DRM and cloud security will be key defences against rising cyberthreats in 2011

    Shlomo Kramer is well known in the IT security industry for being a co-founder of Check Point and, more recently, has been CEO/president of data security specialist Imperva. Infosecurity caught up with him in London this week for his observations – and predictions – on what will be the main IT security threats in 2011.

  6. Facebook intros automated photo-tagging; creates social networking risk says security researcher

    A new feature on Facebook is, at the very least, questionable, and may even be a social networking risk, says a leading IT security researcher.

  7. For the information security professional who has everything

    Wondering what to give your loved one who just happens to be an information security professional? Why not give him or her the 12 principles of information security developed by the three leading information security organizations.

  8. Court blocks former Bank of America employees from using client data

    Bank of America recently won a ruling blocking four former employees of its U.S. Trust unit from using the bank’s client information at their new employer, Dynasty Financial Partners.

  9. Hackers gain access to Ohio State server with 760,000 personal records

    The Ohio State University said that a university server containing personal information on 760,000 people was accessed by hackers. The university stressed that it had no information that the personal information was taken from the server.

  10. Open Group backs initiative to protect supply chain from cybercrime

    Leading technology businesses are backing an initiative to help organisations secure global supply chains against cybercrime threats.

  11. Smartphone malware infections jump 33% in 2010

    The number of smartphone malware infections have increased 33% this year over 2009 figures, according to a survey by network-based security provider AdaptiveMobile.

  12. Antid0te expected to close the security door on jailbroken iPhone

    Antid0te, a tool developed by security researcher Stefan Esser, is expected to provide security protection against worms that attack a jailbroken iPhone.

  13. CA Technologies' CTO says cloud security will be a hot issue in 2011

    Cloud security has been something of a hot topic so far this year but, according to Colin Bannister, CA Technologies' chief technology officer, it will be even more of a hot topic on company agendas as we move into the New Year.

  14. ATM skimmers get GSM equipped, making them more dangerous says security expert

    It seems that ATM skimmers – fraudsters who attach magnetic stripe skimming devices to cash machines – have moved up a notch or two in the technology stakes by adding GSM-equipped data modems to their readers.

  15. Zeus trojan gives the gift of fraud for the holidays

    The Zeus botnet is targeting credit card accounts of major US retailers Macy’s and Nordstrom by injecting a pop-up that asks for personal information to access the card holder’s account, according to Trusteer.

  16. Anonymous attacks more websites, as second Dutch teenager is arrested in WikiLeaks saga

    The WikiLeaks attackgeist known as Anonymous has staged distributed denial of service (DDoS) network attacks on more sites, including Moneybookers and the Dutch National Police Service.

  17. Pro WikiLeaks hacker group’s DDoS tool downloads top 40,000

    Imperva, the web security specialist, has reported that the tool released by the Anonymous Hacker Group for would-be WikiLeaks protesters has been downloaded over 40 000 times, with the majority of downloads occurring in the US.

  18. Anonymous hits Dutch National Police and Moneybookers sites, as second Dutch teenager is arrested

    The WikiLeaks attackgeist known as Anonymous has staged distributed denial of service (DDoS) network attacks on more sites, including Moneybookers and the Dutch National Police Service.

  19. Drive-by scareware malvertisements served up by major ad networks

    It seems that the cybercriminal gangs behind the malware distribution networks are now tapping into the power of major ad-farming networks on the internet.

  20. Visa targeted by hackers over WikiLeaks controversy

    Online retailing was disrupted yesterday when Visa and Mastercard were targeted by hackers following the firms' refusal to process WikiLeaks payments.

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