Infosecurity News

  1. British Columbia falls short on monitoring information security

    The British Columbia auditor general has determined that the provincial government has not fully implemented its Security HealthCheck (SHC) system set up in 2006 to monitor compliance with information security policies.

  2. Hackivists down MasterCard website in WikiLeaks protest

    The arrest of Julian Assange, the founder of the WikiLeaks whistleblowing portal, is causing mayhem in the electronic payments world as, hard on the heels of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the PayPal blog site earlier this week, a second group of hacktivists have staged a massive attack on the main MasterCard website.

  3. Updated Android attempts to prevent clickjacking

    Just in time for the holiday season, Google has unveiled Gingerbread, the latest release of the company’s Android operating system for mobile devices.

  4. Malware incidents drive up IT costs, survey finds

    The main driver of IT operating expenses is the increasing costs of malware incidents, according to a recent survey of IT personnel conducted by the Ponemon Institute.

  5. India’s CBI hack shows cyberspace is now a battleground

    A hacking attack on a key investigative agency of the Indian government shows that cyberspace is increasingly becoming a battleground, say security experts.

  6. India’s CBI hack shows cyberspace is now a battleground

    A hacking attack on a key investigative agency of the Indian government shows that cyberspace is increasingly becoming a battleground, say security experts.

  7. Many employees careless about sensitive data outside workplace

    Two-thirds of employees expose sensitive data outside the workplace, according to a survey by People Security.

  8. Visa CodeSure technology tapped for online government services

    Visa's CodeSure technology, which essentially adds a calculator-style keypad and LCD screen to a credit/debit card, is about to be tested for use with online government services in the UK.

  9. WikiLeaks: let the DDoS battles begin

    December is rapidly turning into a festival of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on WikiLeaks and a number of sites looking to distance themselves from the high-profile government reporting portal.

  10. VMware provides minor security fixes for Fusion

    The Mac OS virtualization product has been updated by VMware to address three minor security vulnerabilities and a host of known bugs.

  11. New website tackles challenges of intelligent whitelisting technology

    Lumension is sponsoring a new website to share insights into intelligent whitelisting technology to improve organizations’ information security.

  12. AVG update crashes 64-bit Windows 7 systems

    The latest software update from security supplier AVG Technologies has caused problems with many users running Microsoft's 64-bit Windows 7 operating system.

  13. FBI identifies major Russian spam oligarch

    Reports are coming in that the FBI has identified a 23-year-old Russian as the lynchpin behind the infamous Mega-D botnet, which has been responsible for as much as a third of all spam generated around the world.

  14. Visa taps cardholder's mobile location to tackle fraud

    Visa Europe has announced plans to use the location of a cardholder's mobile phone to better detect fraud using its payment cards. The card company has reportedly contracted with ValidSoft, part of the ElephantTalk telecoms group, for the service.

  15. Virtualization benefits also come with security risks

    With the growth in the popularity of virtualization comes attendant security risks, noted a recent white paper from the global IT association ISACA.

  16. Russia tops Kaspersky Labs’ list of global spammers

    Russia has finally buried the US…in spam. Russia topped the list of sources of global spam, with the US a distant 18th, according to Kaspersky Labs’ October spam report.

  17. Mass injection attack on WordPress blogs revealed

    An IT security researcher claims to have uncovered a sophisticated mass injection attack that uses a polymorphic obfuscation attack vector, and has been used to target WordPress blogs at a US-based hosting provider.

  18. Network access control still not taking off, says Forrester

    Despite a lot of discussion in the media, it seems that only 10% of security organisations in Europe and North America are planning to implement network access control (NAC) technology in the next 12 months.

  19. Internet responds to government attempts to tighten control

    US and UK authorities are tightening their control of the internet in their fight against copyright pirates and counterfeiters. But their moves may reverse the principle that people are innocent until proven guilty, and open the way to censorship of online material such as the diplomatic cables published by Wikileaks.

  20. Small-scale DDoS hack takes down WikiLeaks site

    The hacker who took down the WikiLeaks site just hours before it was set to publish leaked US documents used a relatively small-scale, application-level distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, according to Craig Labovitz, chief scientist at Arbor Networks.

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