Infosecurity News

  1. SHA-1 crypto protocol cracked using Amazon cloud computing resources

    A German hacker has successfully cracked a six-character implementation of the 160-bit SHA-1 crypto algorithm using a cloud computing resource. The hack was completed in 49 minutes at a cost of just $2.10.

  2. Government suppliers may be ordered to open up data

    Private companies may be required to open up data and make their activities answerable to Freedom of Information (FoI) law when they are contracted to work for the public sector.

  3. Winners of the 5th Global Security Challenge Announced

    The organisers of this year's 5th Global Security Challenge have announced the two winners of the competition, which means the pair of firms – classed as most promising security companies in the world – will share $500 000 investment provided by the US Department of Defense.

  4. Kodak Gallery service being side-hacked by eBay fraudsters

    Fraudsters on eBay are reportedly side-hacking the Kodak Gallery service using a fake redirect technique.

  5. ZeuS now targeting enterprise access gateways

    After plundering users' online bank accounts using stolen credentials, it seems that the continually evolving ZeuS malware is now targetting company data assets via their enterprise access gateways.

  6. Desktop security model needs revamping, says Comodo CEO

    The desktop security business model needs to evolve to actually prevent new malware infections, not just block old ones or clean up already infected machines. This is according to Comodo CEO and president Melih Abdulhayoglu.

  7. Network forensic capabilities fall well short of need

    Nearly all of the security professionals surveyed by Solera Networks said they need real-time situational awareness, known as network forensics, to make their networks more secure, yet only 19% said they have this capability.

  8. Rootkit defeats Microsoft Windows 64-bit security features

    The latest version of a rootkit targeting Microsoft Windows has begun hitting 64-bit versions of the operating system.

  9. CSA Congress 2010: Cloud security means social challenges, not just a business ones

    Rather than speaking solely about the business challenges inherent with cloud security, Microsoft’s Scott Charney chose to address the social implications of cloud-based computing during his opening keynote address at today’s Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Congress in Orlando.

  10. Police close down Fitwatch website for advice to student protestors

    Police have forced the suspension of a website that offered advice to students photographed at last week's student fees demonstration in London.

  11. Florida hospital admits to data breach affecting 1500 patients

    A data breach at Holy Cross Hospital in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., resulted in the theft of sensitive information concerning 1500 patients who visited the hospital’s emergency room.

  12. $2m-a-year Koobface network downed after concerted international effort

    The command and control servers for a Koobface botnet swarm, which reportedly raked in $2 million a year for its operators, were closed down late Friday UK time, following a concerted effort by industry experts and law enforcement officials on both sides of the Atlantic.

  13. Wireless eavesdropping – not just for intelligence peeps anymore

    Eavesdropping of mobile communications, once a tool mainly available to only the intelligence community, has transformed into a widely available criminal enterprise, says two security experts from SRA International.

  14. Barracuda Networks bug bounty scheme slammed by Idappcom

    Email and web security specialist Barracuda Networks has launched a 'bug bounty' scheme – offering programmers more than $3100 to anyone who can hack into their security software – and has immediately flown into a storm of criticism for sending the wrong message.

  15. Over a million mobile phones hit by virus in China

    Over a million mobile phones in China have been hit by a virus that steals contact information to commit click fraud and propagate the virus.

  16. Verizon launches website to collect information on data breaches

    Verizon has launched a website designed to collect and share information about data breach incidents that are reported by participating organizations.

  17. Google Android security exploit made fully public by ITsec researcher

    An IT security researcher has reportedly released the source code that could allow a hacker to gain remote access to a Google Android smartphone across the internet.

  18. Digital rights management's role in business explained

    Digital rights management (DRM) is fast becoming a normal security feature in a growing number of Far Eastern companies and, says Jason Sohn, deputy general manager with Korean DRM specialist, the same thing is now happening here in the UK.

  19. Congresswoman says chance of cyber attack against electric grid is 100%

    Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) delivered the evening keynote during the SC Congress in mid-town Manhattan yesterday, as the member of the House Committee on Homeland Security told the audience that the US electric grid remains vulnerable to a near-certain cyber attack.

  20. HP pays $16.25m in fraud settlement

    Hewlett-Packard is to pay $16.25m (£10m) for alleged fraud, following an extensive investigation by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Justice (DoJ).

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