Infosecurity News

  1. eSoft unveils SiteFilter 3.0 for OEMs

    eSoft has taken the wraps off a major update to its secure web filtering service, Sitefilter 3.0, which is used as a 'white label' facility by a number of third-party organizations.

  2. ZigBee Alliance arrives in Europe

    Hard on the heels of its linkup with the WiFi Alliance last week, the ZigBee Alliance has announced plans to dramatically increase its presence in Europe, with the intention of meeting the European Union's 'smart grid' country programmes.

  3. Andrew Strong, CSO with Unilever, dies unexpectedly

    It with regret that Infosecurity has to report the unexpected death of Andrew Strong, global information security and compliance director with Unilever.

  4. Sophos identifies fake antivirus software targeting Windows 7

    A security expert at Sophos has unveiled fake antivirus software targeting the new Windows 7 operating system.

  5. Google intros Skipfish web application security scanner

    Google has taken the wraps off an automatic web application security scanner called Skipfish, which it says will work on a number of existing web applications and check them for their levels of security.

  6. Senators push biometric ID cards as illegal immigration solution

    In an effort to fix what they called a “badly broken” immigration system in the US, two senators have proposed the use of biometric Social Security cards for all workers.

  7. Google unveils website security tool

    Google has launched a security tool called skipfish, designed to help web developers scan their applications for vulnerabilities.

  8. Network Box changes pricing model

    Network Box USA has announced a change in the way that it sells unified threat management appliances. It is switching to a managed service model, and is no longer charging for its hardware.

  9. Research reveals 1 in 4 children have tried hacking

    A study just published claims to show that, although 78% of children knowing that hacking it is wrong, one in four of them have tried hacking into other people's Facebook accounts.

  10. Facebook to establish digital trust fund in court settlement

    Facebook is to set up a non-profit foundation to promote and develop the online privacy movement under a legal settlement reached this week.

  11. Disgruntled employee accused of remotely disabling over 100 cars

    You've heard about Apple potentially bricking iPhones, but that's small potatoes, compared to remotely disabling whole fleets of cars using centrally controlled computer systems. That's just what a 20-year-old employee for a Texas auto dealership is being accused of doing after he was laid off last month.

  12. ISO issues new guidelines for safeguarding electronic medical data

    ISO has published two new documents outlining principles and guidelines for secure archiving of electronic medical record data.

  13. Industry prepares for new ICO penalties starting next month

    The IT security industry - and its customers - are starting to prepare for the introduction of new and stiff penalties for organisations that allow data to be stolen or leak, and could reasonably be said to be aware of the risk.

  14. ISACA leader gives thumbs up to classifying security as highest priority in data center planning

    Research just published claims to show that security, price and power - in that order - are the three main drivers when it comes to companies reviewing their data center requirements.

  15. Ipswitch launches log management suite

    Ipswitch has launched the WhatsUp Event Log Management Suite, including its newly acquired WhatsUp Event Rover 3.0, two tools that it hopes will make it easier for customers to manage their networks by logging security events, while protecting files for forensic investigations.

  16. FCC presents National Broadband Plan to lawmakers

    The Federal Communications Commission unveiled its new National Broadband Plan to the public yesterday, and shortly thereafter submitted its recommendations to the US Congress.

  17. SQL injection attacks are in decline – or are they?

    IBM's X-Force 2009 Trend and Risk report claims to show an 11% fall in discovered vulnerabilities compared to 2008, including a decline in the largest categories, such as SQL injections and ActiveX.

  18. Netflix cans anonymous data contest

    DVD rental company Netflix has quietly cancelled a sequel to its Netflix Prize, a contest to enhance its movie recommendation technology using anonymous user data.

  19. Sunbelt Software opens European headquarters

    After several months of quietly hiring staff in the European IT security industry, Sunbelt Software has opened a new sales and research centre in Marlow.

  20. Researchers crack RSA encryption via power supply

    Researchers claim to have broken 1024-bit RSA encryption in the OpenSSL cryptography library, although the hardware-focused attack is difficult to carry out and involves disrupting power supplies.

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