Infosecurity News

  1. Trend Micro's Rik Ferguson reports on Adware Spyware Detective

    Whilst the RSA Conference 2010 is going on in San Francisco, Rik Ferguson, Trend Micro's security spokesperson has been expounding on how criminals are battling against the rising ride of anti-malware technologies in the marketplace.

  2. RSA: Qualys teams with Imperva on website security

    Hard on the heels of announcing a free website infection scanning service, Qualys has teamed up with fellow IT security vendor Imperva to integrate some of their respective software offerings.

  3. Hot topic at RSA: The pitfalls and promise of social networking

    A unique panel session convened at the RSA Conference in San Francisco today to discuss the pros and cons of social networking on the job, specifically by the under-30 set.

  4. Laptop theft can be reduced by turning off WiFi

    Credant Technologies, the endpoint data security specialist, has warned laptop users to turn off their WiFi signals when not in use to prevent the use of low-cost scanners tracking down the machines.

  5. Veracode report exposes application security failures

    According to the Veracode ‘State of Software Security’ report, between 58 and 88 percent of all applications submitted to Veracode for verification did not achieve an acceptable security score upon first submission. The exact percentage depends on the standard applied, based on application criticality.

  6. Hackers reach a technology critical mass says Imperva

    After years of gestation and evolution, criminal hackers are reaching critical mass in terms of their knowledge and ability to develop new attack methodologies, says Imperva.

  7. Capgemini and Sogeti team up on software testing

    Capgemini and its subsidiary, Sogeti, have unveiled a portfolio of enhanced software resting services, creating what is claimed to be one the largest dedicated testing practices in the industry, supported by over 6 400 test specialists globally and up to 11 000 further applications specialists, across over 30 countries.

  8. Real life security in the NHS revealed

    For Tracy Andrew, his military background stands him in good stead for dealing with the real-world IT security issues he and his team encounter when dealing with the sharp end of technology problems that staff in three health trusts experience.

  9. 2010 will be the year of cloud computing

    A study from Resource on Demand, the IT recruitment company, claims to show the company has been receiving a record number of enquiries for salesforce and software-as-a-service (SaaS) specialists during the first month of the year.

  10. FTC warns organizations about data breach risks from P2P file sharing

    The Federal Trade Commission sent letters to nearly 100 organizations this week, warning them that customer and/or employee data are currently available on P2P networks according to its recent probe.

  11. Researchers identify anonymous users through web browser history and social networks

    Researchers have combined stolen web browser history data with membership of social networking groups to identify large numbers of users who would otherwise be anonymous, it was revealed this week.

  12. HSBC offers free Trusteer password software to all

    HSBC has joined Santander, the Royal Bank of Scotland and Natwest in offering online banking customers free copies of Trusteer's Rapport password protection software.

  13. Intel targeted by January cyberattack

    Intel was the target of a concerned cyberattack in January – around the same time that Google identified the Operation Aurora attack, according to a 10-K filing that the chip maker made to the SEC.

  14. Rutgers team demonstrates new smart phone security threat

    A team of investigators at Rutgers University has revealed research indicating that smart phones can be compromised by sophisticated rootkits.

  15. European data commissioner criticises anti-counterfeiting arrangements

    In a surprising move, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has criticised the the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), saying that the agreement may be unworkable under current European Union data protection laws.

  16. Call for software vendors to take better care when developing software

    A consortium of more than 30 major customers of software vendors have called for more secure development of their applications, and for the developers to adhere to best practice at the earliest opportunity.

  17. Pennsylvania school district hit by injunction, FBI investigation after web cam incident

    A federal judge has ordered a suburban Philadelphia school not to reactivate a security system that enabled it to monitor students in their homes without their knowledge. The judge made the emergency ruling after a student sued the school, alleging an invasion of privacy after someone at the school took a picture of him in his home.

  18. School linked to Operation Aurora attack is tied indirectly to hacktivist group

    Two schools in China have been linked to the Operation Aurora attack that targeted Google and other companies last year – and one of them has been tied to a national network of hacktivist groups.

  19. Dell plans major industry cybersecurity initiative

    Hard on the heels of acquiring Perot Systems late last year, Dell is planning to launch an industry initiative that seeks for industry IT players to pool their talents to defend the internet from cybercriminals.

  20. Kaspersky Lab readies next-gen network PC security

    Kaspersky Lab, the veteran IT security vendor, has developed a new home/small office network defence technology. Known as PURE, the technology will be unveiled at the CeBIT Computer Faire when it opens in Hannover, Germany, on March 2.

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