Infosecurity News

  1. ISAF raising awareness of main threats to online security

    The Information Security Awareness Forum (ISAF) has announced a rolling calendar of themes for this year, where each month sees a focus on a main threat to information security.

  2. First Base Technologies expanding, diversifying

    First Base Technologies is expanding its penetration testing operations, as well as diversifying from its financial services client base and seeking CESG Check compliance as part of the changes.

  3. US loses cyberwarfare game

    A simulated cyber attack has shown once again that the US is unprepared for cyberwarfare, a year after the federal government conducted an extensive review of its cyber security stance.

  4. Hotmail outage leads to contaminated search results

    Yesterday’s outage of Windows Live caused a disruption in the web-based Hotmail email service. This presented a golden opportunity for online crooks to poison search results related to the incident.

  5. UK government begins crackdown on cyber scams

    The UK government has announced it is tackling the growing problem of fraudsters, criminals and rogue traders who use the internet and email to con consumers.

  6. Kaspersky sponsor Six Nations rugby

    Internet threat management solutions developer, Kaspersky Lab, has announced that it is a sponsor of 2010 RBS Six Nations Rugby tournament.

  7. Cloudmark acquire Bizanga

    Security solution developer, Cloudmark, has announced it has entered an agreement to takeover message processing platform developers, Bizanga.

  8. Entanet raises concern over government's communications interception plans

    Communications service provider Entanet has raised a number of concerns regarding the planned UK government surveillance system.

  9. LogLogic embraces quad core audit logging management

    Audit and compliance specialist LogLogic has unveiled a new range of audit and logging software designed specifically for use with the latest generation of quad core processor-based IT systems.

  10. Microsoft patch causes blue screen of death on infected machines

    Microsoft found itself in patch hell this week, withdrawing an update resolving an important vulnerability in Windows. The company found that some users infected with malware experienced problems restarting their machines after installing the bug fix.

  11. Google Buzz attacked for privacy violation

    Google was fighting security, privacy, and censorship issues this week following the launch of Buzz, its social networking service. As Iran reportedly shut down Gmail, others reported that the service was revealing who Buzz users had the most contact with, leading to potential personal security issues.

  12. Police recover missing iPhone using satellite technology

    The latest 3GS iPhone is a valuable piece of kit and, as you might expect, a number get stolen every day, but Ian Kellett of Cumbria managed to harness his iPhone's global positioning system (GPS) when his handset went missing one Saturday last month.

  13. US to be hit by simulated cyberattack

    On Tuesday, the US will undergo a simulated cyberattack to help policymakers decide how well the country would cope.

  14. Hackers crack Twitter app to generate spam

    Third-party apps on social networking sites have been criticised in the past for security issues, with the main focus being on Facebook apps, but now the spotlight has fallen on Twitter.

  15. Data loss concerns over online dating

    Life assistance company, CPP, is warning online daters about the dangers of giving out personal information this Valentine's day

  16. Romantics targeted with Valentine’s Day spam

    Virus protection company, PandaLabs, is warning internet users that cyber criminals will use Valentine’s Day-themed content to spread malware.

  17. Nigerian government uses music in cybercrime fight

    The Nigerian Government is working with Microsoft on a public awareness program that uses music to fight cybercrime in the country.

  18. Mozilla admits it was wrong about Firefox add-on

    The Mozilla Foundation, the open source group behind the popular Firefox web browser, has withdrawn a claim that a software developer had infected a Firefox add-on with a trojan.

  19. Serious Fraud Office warns on social networking data harvesting

    The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has warned that Facebook and Twitter – two of the most popular social networking sites – are actively being used by criminals to harvest users' personal financial details.

  20. F-Secure lands international security deal with Vodafone

    IT security vendor F-Secure has extended its mobile data protection deal with Vodafone, which dates from two years ago, to cover users of PCs supplied by the international communications giant.

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