Infosecurity News

  1. Google - China attack episode: Is Microsoft to blame?

    A complex attack on the Google Gmail accounts of human rights activitists – apparently from hackers based in China – has now been indirectly blamed on Microsoft, after McAfee Labs announced last night that the attacks appear to exploit a little-known vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  2. Employees increasingly found to be downloading illegal files

    As if companies have not had enough IT security headaches already, it seems that a growing number of firms have problems with their staff illegally downloading copyrighted files whilst at work.

  3. DARPA enters second leg of cybersecurity testing project

    The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, has awarded $55.5m in contracts to bolster a secretive cybersecurity monitoring system, it was announced this week.

  4. Internet Explorer vulnerability used in Google attack

    More details are emerging concerning the concerted attacks on over 20 technology companies, including Google, that were revealed earlier this week. The attackers targeted a vulnerability in Internet Explorer, according to Microsoft. It is now investigating the flaw, which could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code.

  5. Unprotected enterprise end point rising, despite security scares

    A study into remote working carried out by Check Point Software Technologies has found that, despite a significant rise in the numbers of remote workers, only 27% of organisations use encryption to protect their corporate data.

  6. Mobile security demand being driven by encryption

    Research just released claims to show that demand for mobile security technology is being driven by encryption in all its various forms.

  7. Facebook and McAfee team up on security

    Facebook has signed McAfee as a supplier to help protect its user base. The two companies have worked on a custom scanning and repair tool, along with education materials that will target the social networking giant's 350 million users.

  8. Employees downloading more illegal files

    Software as a service company ScanSafe has found a 55% increase in illegal download attempts over corporate networks.

  9. 3G encryption cracked in less than two hours

    In a jaw-dropping piece of research, a trio of researchers have published a paper explaining how the A5/3 encryption system – which is being phased in on many 3G cellular networks around the world – can be cracked in less than two hours.

  10. Maryland seeking to become a cybersecurity hub

    The Governor of Maryland set out an aggressive campaign to position the state as a national hub for cybersecurity this week, launching a report cataloging Maryland's current efforts in the cybersecurity and electronic intelligence space.

  11. Suffolk County National Bank hacked

    Suffolk County National Bank received a nasty Christmas present on December 24th after discovering a hack that saw over 8,000 customers' accounts compromised. The breach is estimated to have cost $351 000, it warned investors.

  12. Sophos warns over rogue Amazon delivery emails containing malware attachments

    It seems that hackers and malware authors are using new techniques to infect your home or office PC, as veteran IT security vendor Sophos has spotted a rash of fake Amazon `shipping email updates' over the weekend.

  13. Cloudmark anti-spam technology hits a billion subscribers

    Thanks to the use of a wide-ranging licensing approach, deals with internet service providers and free trials on its anti-spam software plus allied technology, Cloudmark is claiming its technology now protects more than a billion users worldwide.

  14. 768-bit RSA encryption cracked

    A team of researchers reported that they have cracked a 768-bit RSA encryption system using a clustered/distributed computer approach.

  15. Microsoft targets security issues with policy site

    Microsoft has launched a technology policy website designed to encourage policy debates in key areas such as cloud computing, security, and privacy.

  16. Research shows that mobile IT security is taking off at last

    After several years of vendors offering IT security applications for so-called mobile smartphones, it seems that the market's adoption of this technology is about to take off in the year ahead.

  17. Adobe finally jumps on silent update bandwagon

    It's official — Adobe is releasing an automatic silent updater for its PDF Reader product on April 13. The company confirmed the news to Infosecurity US this week.

  18. South Yorkshire police officers investigated over alleged computer misuse

    It has been revealed that 56 police officers - including eight senior staff - were investigated in South Yorkshire over the last four years, for alleged misuse of computer systems.

  19. 2009 was a record year for malware

    A PandaLabs report claims that 2009 will go down as perhaps the most prolific in malware history. In 2009, malware creators tapped into search tools used by the majority of web surfers, and exploited current events and popular culture.

  20. 2010 date change cripples millions of German payment cards

    Just as the switch to the new millennium caused havoc with computer systems a decade ago, the switch to the new decade has caused technology problems once again.

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