Infosecurity News

  1. Tripwire scores PCI deal with Reading FC

    PCI DSS compliance is fast becoming a hot topic in boardrooms and at Reading football club – one of the Championship's largest clubs – as Reading FC has successfully migrated to a virtualised IT infrastructure.

  2. HP develops security audit assessments for smart energy grids

    Hard on the heels of widespread reports about smart energy meters and their grids being vulnerable to hacker attacks, HP has launched a security audit for smart grid services.

  3. Weekly brief - October 5 2009

    Deviousness, Defenses, and Disappointments - read all about the week's security news in our weekly brief.

  4. EU starts new satellite service to significantly enhance GPS accuracy

    Users of the US global positioning system (GPS) in Europe now have access to an enhanced-accuracy service provided by the European Union.

  5. Researchers turn wireless network into X-ray tool

    Researchers at the University of Utah have devised a way to visually monitor a room using cheap wireless sensors. The technique, known as ' variance-based radio tomography', effectively enables its users to see through walls, explain Jerry Wilson and Neal Patwari, authors of a paper on the subject.

  6. SOCA: cybercrime is global and organised

    Cybercrime is both global and organised, Mike Humphrey at the Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), told the audience at the Security for a Digital Britain conference on 24 September in Nottingham.

  7. Threats posed by the digital world – data loss and privacy

    Speaking at the Security for a Digital Britain conference in Nottingham last week, Lord Erroll warned the audience of the security pitfalls of a digital society such as data loss and privacy questions.

  8. Vodafone develops encrypted password vault for smartphones

    Vodafone has revealed it is developing a secure and encrypted data / password vault for smartphones. Known as Keeper Mobile, the encryption technology will be released by the mobile carrier's operations worldwide by the end of the year.

  9. Weekly brief - September 28, 2009

    Takedowns, Tools, Threats, and Tsk, Tsk! We review the week's information security news.

  10. Data loss in the perimeterless zone

    The increasing blurring of network perimeters has accelerated as a direct result of the introduction of cloud computing to the corporate IT mix, but can your IT security handle the challenge?

  11. ISACA Middle-East's information security seminar

    The Muscat chapter of the Information Systems Audit, Control Association (ISACA) held an education seminar on information security earlier this month at the College of Banking and Financial Studies in Oman.

  12. Malicious advertising malware hit popular websites

    Popular websites have been made to serve up malware via malicious advertising delivered by advertising banner services.

  13. DeviceLock lands Gazprom Neft endpoint security contract

    DeviceLock, the endpoint security specialist, has announced that the Gazpromneft-Khantos branch of Gazprom Neft, the high-profile Russian oil company, has selected its software for endpoint security.

  14. Online Monopoly gamers targeted via social networking spam

    Websense Security Labs has found a spam operation targeting players of the old game favourite, Monopoly, via social networking methods.

  15. Hackers pose as internet telephony firm in New York Times ad scam

    The New York Times has admitted it has been the victim of a complex scam, in which a group of hackers purchased ad space on the famous publisher's website, then posed as internet telephony company Vonage, to infect users with malware.

  16. MI5 hires teenage hackers in fight against cyberterrorism

    MI5 has hired a batch of Asian teenage computer hackers to help fight cyberterrorism in China, Russia and Pakistan.

  17. Interpol sets standard in electronic passports

    Interpol, the international police agency, has announced that the EDAPS consortium has been chosen to design and produce the secure electronic passport.

  18. Paypal embraces text messages as security check system

    After beta testing the service amongst a select number of its users since the start of the year, Paypal has rolled out a text message security check system for its electronic cash and payment service.

  19. Canon printer protects data in copied documents

    Printer company Canon has unveiled a printer that can automatically protect the data in copied documents. The Canon ImageRunner Advance printer, targeted at medium to large enterprises, features Scan Lock, a system which superimposes a watermark on copied documents, coded as a series of microdots.

  20. MIT projects raise privacy questions

    Two experiments conducted at MIT are raising questions about the level of privacy among those who use modern tools such as mobile phones and social networks - and suggesting that there is even less of it than most of us already thought.

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