Infosecurity News

  1. MoJ admits losing 2,000 personal records

    The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has lost the personal information of more than 2 000 people in the past year, according to the department's annual financial accounts published last week.

  2. Weekly brief - September 21. 2009

    Talk, Tools, Techniques, Trials, and Traps - get the lowdown on the week's security news in our weekly brief.

  3. Yahoo mail users warned of brute force hacker attacks

    Yahoo has warned users of its Yahoo Mail service about a two-year-old security flaw that appears to allow hackers to gain access to their accounts via a back door.

  4. Mobile/cloud workforce security issues covered in webinar recording

    An informative webinar - in which BigFix, Trend Micro and one of their joint customers in the healthcare sector looked at some of the problems in the mobile workforce and allied IT security sectors - was a great success this Thursday.

  5. EPIC: Obama must try harder on electronic privacy

    Eight months into its first year, the Obama administration could still try harder when it comes to electronic privacy and digital rights, according to a report card issued by an advocacy group.

  6. Indian security agencies seek internet telephony ban

    US government officials are reported to be watching India with interest, where the government has taken the major national security step of recommending a ban on international internet telephony until a system to trace the calls is in place.

  7. Number of malicious websites up 233% in H1 2009

    The Websense Security Labs report on the state of internet security for the first half of 2009, has found that the number of malicious websites has increased 233% over the last six months, and 671% over the last year.

  8. Microsoft releases tools exposing software security vulnerabilities

    Microsoft is releasing new tools to expose security vulnerabilities in new and updated software.

  9. Infosecurity weekly brief - September 15, 2009

    Breaches, threats, protections and security directions - we summarise what's been happening in the world of information security over the past week.

  10. Only one week left: Virtual Conference on Information Security 2009

    Infosecurity Magazine’s Virtual Conference on Information Security 2009 is only a week away – sign up now!

  11. UFO hacker Gary McKinnon to learn of Supreme Court appeal

    Self-confessed hacker Gary McKinnon, who gained unauthorised access to multiple Pentagon computer systems, will learn this week whether an application for an appeal in his case will be heard by the Supreme Court, the new highest court in the UK.

  12. One third of businesses failing to protect sensitive data transfers

    Research just released by Computerlinks, a UK distributor of IT security and internet technology products, shows that a sizeable number of businesses are failing to protect their most sensitive data.

  13. Quocirca publishes report on strong authentication

    Fran Howarth, a principal analyst with Quocirca, the business and IT analysis research firm, has penned a report on strong authentication.

  14. Gemalto acquires Trusted Logic

    Gemalto, the French digital security firm, has acquired Trusted Logic, a provider of security software for mobile devices.

  15. Apple under fire over anti-phishing feature

    Apple has come in for criticism on user forums for a new anti-fraud and anti-phishing warning system seen in its Safari Mobile web browser for the iPhone. Forum users report that the feature - seen in v3.1 of the iPhone's operating system - is less than consistent.

  16. Commuter matching website highly vulnerable to SQL injections, a website used by several California-based companies and transportation boards to match commuters on similar routes, has been found to be potentially vulnerable to massive SQL injections that could result in the disclosure of users' personal data.

  17. Job seekers at risk of ID theft

    Andy Gooday, founder of, a job seeker training company, says that three percent of job seekers are at risk of ID theft because of the data they include in their CVs. To help job hunters with their data security, Gooday has teamed up with Phil Butler, the well-known cybercrime expert, to publish a free training guide.

  18. Fake anti-virus team exploits September 11 anniversary

    Online scams related to holidays, global events, and popular news stories are common, but September 11 scammers really scraped the bottom of the moral barrel last week. Scareware scammers are using the eighth anniversary of the September 11 attacks to sell their fake anti-virus software to unsuspecting users.

  19. Security software spending up 4% in 2010

    Security software budgets are expected to grow 4% in 2010, and security services budgets could grow almost 3%, according to Gartner.

  20. Wigan council lost personal data on children and teenagers

    Wigan Council has been been forced to sign an undertaking with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) following the theft of a laptop, which resulted into the personal data on around 43 000 children and teenagers being potentially open to abuse.

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