Infosecurity News

  1. Symantec develops pooled high-end cyberthreat analysis service

    Symantec has joined the growing ranks of IT security vendors that are offering their pooled information on the latest ITsec threats as a value-added outsourced option for major corporates.

  2. Latest MessageLabs intelligence report: spammers getting cleverer

    The July 2009 MessageLabs Intelligence Report concludes that spammers have turned to using online translation services to develop multilanguage spam runs.

  3. Fifth Syrian cybercrime event hailed a success

    The Fifth International Forum on Combating Cybercrime - a two-day security conference - opened in Damascus, Syria, yesterday and, say the organisers, is a great success.

  4. Forensics links fake online postcards to Zeus Bot

    The Computer forensics department at the University of Alabama has tracked down the Zeus Bot virus to a raft of fake internet postcards circulating on the Internet.

  5. Russia starts ball rolling against Skype

    One of Russia's most powerful business lobby groups has told the country's government that Internet telephony services like Skype are a threat to the country's businesses and to national security.

  6. Kaspersky Lab: watch out for Twitter-linked scamware

    Veteran IT security vendor Kaspersky Lab has warned internet users to be aware of rogue or scam software that purports to be an IT security application, but is merely a vehicle to extract revenue - and possibly even card details - from unsuspecting web users.

  7. Kaspersky reveals price list for botnet attacks

    A sophisticated underground economy has grown up to exploit the millions of personal computers that have been infected with rogue software that turns them into 'zombies' controlled by botnet masters, says an IT security expert.

  8. HSBC hit by three million pound fine

    A three million pounds-plus fine imposed on three of HSBC's divisions for failing to adequately protect customer data could easily have been avoided if the banking group has made use of digital data vaulting technology, says Cyber-Ark.

  9. Zero-day Adobe exploit zapped by Finjan

    Finjan, the business internet security specialist, claims its gateway security technology can easily counter a zero-day vulnerability of Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash Player

  10. Twitter email account hack highlights cloud dangers

    Imperva, a data security specialist, says that last week's hacking of a Twitter senior executive's email account - details of which are now fully emerging - was the result of a combination of poor security practices and safeguards.

  11. TuCows review shows how to start WinXP without a password

    If you ever wondered how to start Windows XP without a password and without going down to source code level, wonder no more, as Butterscotch's content producer Stacey Reed has posted an informative video tutorial showing how it's done.

  12. Watch out for more mobile trojans on the horizon says Fortify Software

    Fortify Software, the application vulnerability analysis firm, says that the recent faux pas by the Symbian Foundation - in which the foundation effectively `signed' a malicious application for release on its software referencing service - is an indicator of further slip-ups on the mobile malware front in the future.

  13. Swine flu could reduce 2009 GPD by 3%, say economists

    Businesses need to check their contingency plans and improve home-working support systems as swine flu looks poised to reduce UK GDP by 3% this year.

  14. Google wins UK court battle over search content

    Google is not responsible for the content of its internet search results, a UK court has ruled.

  15. UK's first mobile phone directory goes offline

    The UK's first mobile phone directory - which went live on the web and over the phone earlier in July - has been taken offline, just days after it went live amidst a fanfare of publicity.

  16. Smartphone security has privacy problems

    WXPI, a Pittsburgh, Pennylvania-based TV station has quietly broken a story which could have profound repercusions on the security of so-called smartphones - mobile phones with computer-like qualities.

  17. New Trojan malware variants evade major anti-virus engines claims CommTouch

    Based on an analysis of two billion emails and internet transactions processed by its OEM anti-spam and anti-malware customers every day, CommTouch says that millions of email-borne malware such as Trojans and viruses bypassed several major anti-virus engines during the second quarter of 2009.

  18. NHS hit by over 8000 viruses in one year

    The NHS was infected by over 8000 (computer) viruses over the last year, many of which could have been avoided if information security policies and technologies were properly adopted.

  19. More weaknesses in e-commerce and SSL-VPN connections revealed

    A report just published by Ben Chai - a director with Incoming Thought Limited and editor of the SecurityVibes portal - claims to show that a security flaw in the secure sockets layer (SSL) internet protocol has been used by criminals to circumvent supposed secure e-commerce website.

  20. 575 variants of Koobface detected during June says Kaspersky Lab

    Researchers with Russian IT security vendor Kaspersky Lab say they detected 575 new variants of the Koobface worm during June.

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