Infosecurity News

  1. Spear-phishing Attacks Attain Record Levels

    Targeted social engineering attacks, also referred to as spear phishing, are on the rise.

  2. Credit Agency Gives Free Monitoring to Millions

    As part of a preliminary settlement of a $10 billion class action suit, millions of US consumers will soon be eligible for free credit monitoring.

  3. Insider Threats Keeping IT Directors Awake At Night

    The leaking of sensitive information through the email system was ranked far ahead of the threat from external hackers, according to a new study.c

  4. US Government Receives Grade C in IT Security

    The US federal government improved slightly in its ability to secure its computer systems and networks, from a C- to C.

  5. Largest US Power Company “Vulnerable To Hacking”

    The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) warned the nation’s largest public power company is vulnerable to computer hackers and terrorists ready to disrupt America’s power grid.

  6. Government meets with cynicism after revealing plans for ‘giant database’

    The government faces sceptisicm after revealing plans to implement a huge database storing citizens’ phone and web records.

  7. FBI Probes Counterfeit Network Hardware

    The FBI have revealed that the US government has purchased counterfeit networking equipment that could jeopardize the security of its military and other government systems.

  8. Social Network For Hackers Launched

    A computer security consultancy has set up a social network for hackers, called House of Hackers.

  9. Senators want answers on President Bush’s secret cyber security initiative

    Two influential US senators are demanding more information about the so-far, ultra-secret Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), which is being put in place to protect the nation’s infrastructure against cyber terrorists and criminals.

  10. Jericho Forum unveils new security framework for online usage

    The Jericho Forum has unveiled a new security framework for interactive business Internet users.

  11. Security Officer should have more strategic role

    When it comes to defining what a Chief Security Officer does in an enterprise think less of a corporate cop and more of a business enabler. That was the message at the RSA Conference from Dave Hansen, former CIO at CA and now a senior vice president and general manager of the company’s Security Management business.

  12. US lawmakers upset at breach news delay

    US lawmakers are asking why a stolen laptop, which had medical test results for 2,500 patients in a National Institute of Health study, was not encrypted.

  13. Facebook photos exposed

    A security lapse on Facebook has made large libraries of private photographs, including one of Paris Hilton, available for all users to access. Exploiting a recent upgrade to the networking site’s privacy settings, a Canadian hacker was able to view pictures that were intended as private.

  14. Sun and NSA to beef up OpenSolaris security

    The US National Security Agency (NSA) and Sun Microsystems have agreed to jointly work within the OpenSolaris community to develop new security mechanisms for the operating system.

  15. Cyber security lacking at airports

    Fourteen airports in the US, Canada and Asia, are using open or poorly secured wireless networks, according to a study by Gartner Mobile and wireless provider AirTight Networks.

  16. Federal agencies need to bolster information security

    Despite some progress, many US federal agencies continue to experience significant information security control deficiencies, according to a new report.

  17. ‘Highly confidential’ Home Office laptop sold on eBay

    Police are investigating a possible Home Office security breach after the discovery of an encrypted laptop containing a scrambled disc with the words ‘Home Office, highly confidential’ written on it. The laptop was found in a computer shop near Bolton, after a customer had taken it in for repair. The laptop was said to have been brought on eBay.

  18. Malware protection before infection

    A US Department of Homeland Security-funded research program will help deliver Endeavor Security’s new method of targeting botnet and malware attacks before hosts are infected.

  19. Fewer victims of identity fraud suffer greater losses

    Identity theft and fraud in the US fell by 12% in 2007 as it fraudsters apparently relied on offline channels for their attacks.

  20. Getting real over Real ID

    With a key deadline rapidly approaching, will there be rapprochement between the Federal Government and a group of individual states over the implementation of the Real ID Act?

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