launches Chatter Mobile apps for Apple, Android and Blackberry

Chatter Mobile apps allow employees to keep colleagues updated, post comments, upload documents and photos and collaborate with team members in real-time, said

Mobile applications for Chatter will be available on Apple iPad, iPhone, the new iPod touch and Blackberry devices later this year. Chatter Mobile for Google Android devices is due in the first half of 2011.

"Chatter Mobile means you can know what is happening in your entire enterprise, wherever you are", said Marc Benioff, chairman and CEO,

"The combination of devices like the iPad or the new iPod touch with mobile apps like Chatter that push information to you in real-time are making the desktop obsolete", he added.

Matthew Schafer, founding partner, Sequoia Wealth Management Group, said Chatter Mobile has changed the way its employees work.

"Now, with Chatter Mobile, employees will be liberated from desktop computing and able to stay actively involved with important information through a simple interface on their mobile device." launched the developer preview of Salesforce Chatter in March, which provides social networking capabilities on its platform.

Chatter Mobile is available free for subscribers to Salesforce CRM and

This story was first published by Computer Weekly

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