SmoothWall unveils low-cost secure web gateway appliance

The Leeds-based firm says that its Guardian technology uses an intelligent content analysis approach to web filtering, rather than a URL blacklist system.

The company says its plans to formally unveil the new appliance at the Infosecurity Europe show in London, which opens next Tuesday.

Tom Newton, SmoothWall's product manager, says that the firm plans to emphasise the fact that its UK-built gateway is a better priced option than many US-supplied alternatives.

Most `big name' security vendors, he says, are based in the US which means their solutions are priced in dollars.

"With a weak pound and diminishing IT budgets, UK-based companies are realising that they can get much better value for money by buying British-built technology from smaller but similarly competent UK-based vendors," he explained.

SmoothWall will be showcasing the new Secure Web Gateway, which sells for 2,200 pounds for 100 users, at next week's show.

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