Symantec warns about Google Wave invites malware

Symantec Security Response has found that  scammers are attempting to trick people who want to get into the Google Wave community by promising not only an application that generates Google Wave invites, but convinces them that they can turn a fat profit by selling the invites on to others. However the application is a piece of malware, Symantec warned.

Patrick Fitzgerald, security analyst at Symantec, said: “Cybercriminals have used Google Wave for the bait precisely because of current its popularity. Furthermore, using a trusted brand like this increases the chance of success for the attacker. Unfortunately, this technique is something fraudsters use all the time and internet users should be wary – if something appears too good to be true, then it usually is.”

Symantec said internet users are protected from the Google Wave invite malware attack if their anti-virus definitions are up to date.

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