The correct approach on access assurance revealed

The event, which allowed attendees to download a free white paper on the subject in hand, revealed that access assurance may be complex but, if broken down into specific areas, it can be tackled in all

According to Hodkinson, a define-apply-validate approach is often the key to the success of access assurance, and companies also need to confirm and validate users on the systems in order to develop an effective service.

Some IAM projects, said Hodkinson, are too large to be effective, and this is where breaking down the project into its constituent parts can often pay dividends.

"You need to create a road map - select a solution, rather than a product, and it can often pay t fix price the solution," he said.

"If you then prioritise the activities, you can succeed in deploying an optimal solution," he added.

Please register and view a recording of this important and useful webinar - which includes a download of a free white paper on access assurance - here.


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