Tripwire scores PCI deal with Reading FC

As part of its migration, Reading football club has contracted with Tripwire for the supply of its Tripwire Express software to achieve and maintain configuration control – a key part of its PCI compliance – across the servers.

According to Tripwire, Reading FC processes thousands of payment card transactions every month for match tickets, replica shirts and other football paraphernalia.

As a result, Garry Hanson, the club's IT manager, said that the security of Reading FC fans' sensitive payment card data is vital.

"We have been looking at Tripwire for some time and while PCI compliance is the main objective in the short-term we are looking forward to using more of Tripwire's capabilities across the virtualised environment", he said.

"Tripwire is a tool which we can use to monitor our IT configuration and prevent unauthorised changes to critical files."

Interestingly, the club has adopted a virtual server environment which has removed the need for a large physical server environment, and Reading FC went wireless following the opening of its Madejski Stadium ten years ago.

According to Hanson, for a football club, Reading FC's IT systems have always been innovative.

"We realised the cost and productivity benefits of adopting virtualisation early and with Tripwire's real-time monitoring and assessment we will have full visibility of the implications of change across the entire IT infrastructure", he said.

"The value we will be getting from Tripwire makes this a very good investment. With the file integrity monitoring we can instantly pull reports, both to prove compliance as well as for internal use, saving us valuable time and eliminating the need for manual processes."

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