US firms team with German institute on cybersecurity center

The Cybersecurity Demonstration Center will be used to simulate attacks on IT infrastructure to develop new cyberattack defenses for the security industry. US firms participating in the center are CSC, HP, EMC/RSA, McAfee, and Sourcefire.

“The world cannot be imagined anymore without networked systems – although there is no adequate security for them yet. Increasing data, a high demand for security, and availability of content and society’s dependence on networked systems is today’s challenge politics, economy, and science are facing. In order to overcome those difficulties, all involved players need to work together”, said Fraunhofer FOKUS in a statement.

In a separate announcement, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft approved a plan to integrate the Fraunhofer FIRST and FOKUS institutes, as well as the Berlin site of ISST, in order to elevate the profile and expand the range of its information and communications technology research. The integration is scheduled for completion by July 1, 2012.

The new combined institute will have approximately 500 employees on its staff, who will all be working under the name FOKUS in the future.

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