Web 2.0 branding and reputational risks webinar tomorrow

With a title of `Protecting your brand image in the Web 2.0 jungle,' the event has Phil Turtle, a branding and marcoms specialist who, after becoming an early adopter of internet marketing in the 1990s, will be speaking about the power - and the peril - that Web 2.0 sites and services engender.

Joining Phil will be Julian Jago, technical, pre-sales and compliance manager with 2e2 Limited, who will be explaining the threats that Web 2.0 poses the modern business.

In his presentation, Julian will say that an astonishing 91 per cent of companies have no security systems in place to protect themselves against Web 2.0 threats, as well as explaining some of the solutions and strategies that are available.

This event covers what is rapidly becoming a powerful subject that is sure to be on most marketing and IT professionals' agenda, especially with the number of Web 2.0-related data breaches hitting the headlines at the moment.

Join us for this free to attend webinar and register here...


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