Infosecurity Opinions
Longest Serving Member of the Team? Your Work Email Account
When an employee leaves, their work email survives. What measures are you putting into place to make sure that filtering is done.
2016 – The Year of the Cyber Exploit
After breaches in 2015, 2016 will be considered the ‘year of the exploit’ as we will see a shift to higher impact cybercrime.
The Cybersecurity Domino Effect
The interlinked economy could be the biggest problem in security, and provide the weakest link.
Shedding Light on the Dark Web
The Government is to set up a task force to police the dark web.
Is the Cyber Security Skills Gap Putting You in Danger?
Cyber attacks have the potential to disrupt governments, destroy businesses, and put our personal safety in jeopardy. Yet this critical sector of the technology world suffers from a severe deficit of skilled workers to fill its jobs.
At Heart, We Are All Hacktivists
Do ethics exist online, and whose determination is it on what is good and bad?
How should businesses deal with social media risks?
There is a simple solution to the risks of social media, however; it might not be possible for many businesses.
The Need for Data Centric Security
Protecting data is more of a challenge with mobile devices, so how do you protect a piece of data once it leaves the person who created it?
Uncovering Covert Attack Communications Inside Your Network
Cyber attackers are slipping through perimeter defenses and hiding in the shadows and dark corners of networks.
For Enterprise Cybersecurity, Think Modern Metropolis, not Fortress
Cybersecurity is less a fortress, and more of a metropolis—with porous and amorphous boundaries.
Bootstrap Businesses Should Follow These Principals to Survive
When building a business, focus on transparency, flexibility, efficiency, responsibility and passion.
The Danger with Data in a Changing European Landscape
Following the significant announcement of the GDPR, this has highlighted the importance of companies getting a handle on their data.
Tackling The Impact Of Fraud By Utilising Machine Learning Tactics
Fraudulent activity such as ‘account takeover’ and ‘application fraud target vulnerable people and fraud systems that rely on rules can’t keep up with changing attacks.
How To Spot And Block Bad Bots
Some website owners won’t do anything about bots, ultimately granting the bad bots unfettered access right alongside the good bots.
Hack Me: A Geopolitical Analysis of the Government Use of Surveillance Software
Hacking Team-style methodologies represent a new era of cyber-espionage—and they’re on sale for any government willing to pay. This is where ethical ambiguity comes in.
Delivering On Data Privacy and Security
Many people have pretty much accepted that everyone is spying on everyone. This has potentially very worrying consequences for the consumer, who is potentially vulnerable and has very little means of recourse.
The Big Switch and Mobile Security
The Big Switch showed us the value of centralization and how cloud computing is the application of an old logic. But this logic has been forgotten when it comes to mobile security and needs to be revitalized.
IoT requires strong authentication, paired with encryption, to succeed
As we look to encrypt the IoT, we can’t overlook the need for strong, binding authentication to protect device access and user privacy
Tackling Data Breach Impact: Machine Learning
How can machine learning fraud systems provide a cutting-edge solution to protecting revenues and reputation?
Responding to insider threats
More than one-third of all cybercrime incidents and security breaches are caused by insiders, each with individual motivations, but the common factor is inappropriate access to critical-value data. How do you design and implement an insider threat program