Infosecurity Opinions
Will 2016 be the Year of Ransomware?
Breaches of personally identifiable information occurred in epidemic proportions during 2015, will that threat be overtaken by threats from the recent proliferation of ransomware in 2016?
Generation Z: Adept With Technology but Vulnerable to Fraud
The so-called Generation Z is probably more vulnerable than any other to fraud and reputational damage, brought about by their online activity
Privacy Best Practices for Developers
Concerns about data collection are rising, both from a user and a collector point of view. End users, whether they are employees or customers, are requesting a higher level of respect towards their privacy and putting forward more questions as to how and why their personal data is handled.
Can we protect data without prying?
Are cybersecurity and privacy mutually exclusive, or is it possible to have both?
Keeping Data Secure: A Happy Marriage of Hardware & Software
We're now at a point where there's a crisis of trust, where cybersecurity is a fundamental requirement for modern computing. Robust security hardware and software is key to securing data
Talking the TalkTalk in a Week of Cyber-Insecurity
If we take any positives from the TalkTalk, Marks & Spencer and British Gas breaches it should be that they highlight just how critical it is to have intelligent security strategies in place
The IoT: Tech revolution or privacy nightmare?
People are sold on the idea that a colossal network of devices and sensors will make their lives easier, cheaper and less busy. But there is another view that must be considered.
How to Maximize an Investment in Security and Compliance
The high frequency of cyber-attacks leads to an important question that make you want to ask: should your company be doing more to secure data, or are breaches simply inevitable?
The Encryption Fallacy
It has become quite fashionable these days to say ‘if only the information had been encrypted’. The problem is not that simple, either from a privacy or security perspective.
The Cyber CEO: Security and Resilience in the Digital Age
Along with all of the other demands on their time and attention, CEOs now have to make sure they don’t get hung out to dry by hackers.
The Password Will Not Die
For well over a decade, received wisdom says passwords are in their death throes replaced by biometrics. The death of passwords may have been greatly exaggerated, or indeed completely fabricated.
Securing The Human
For years organizations have invested in technology to protect themselves,. While powerful, solutions like these fail to secure one key element: people
The Weakest Link: Human Error or Futile Systems?
Despite significant investment in technologies and resources committed to designing security procedures, people are seen as the vulnerability, the weakness in the system
A Matter of Life and Death: Why We Must Take IoT Flaws Seriously
When vulnerabilities in Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices are exploited, it may not just be talking about CEOs losing their job – in a worst case scenario these flaws could result in much worse
IOT—the Next Frontier for Security?
Providing security in the Internet of Things rests both with manufacturers and designers and also with users who purchase the technology.
Frequently Granted but Rarely Revoked: Three Reasons Privileged Access Is a Soft Target
Cyber-criminal groups target IT and incident response teams to gain access to corporate networks and data.
Leveraging Existing Security Infrastructure to Protect Against Future Threats
Looking at how many data breaches have occurred over the past couple of years, can DLP solve security problems
If Threat Intelligence Isn’t the Answer, You’ve Asked the Wrong Question
Up-to-date, real time, actionable threat data is the fuel that powers the security engine, and the best defense against emerging threats
Enrich the Human Element in Incident Response
Response is too complicated to be completely automated. Each network, attack, organisation, region, and security environment is different – this means that humans are still necessary.
Transition Service Agreements: Don’t Forget the Data!
The Transition Service Agreement (TSA) is the oft-neglected agreement in an M&A transaction