Infosecurity Opinions

  1. Why You Need to Understand your App Exposure

    An often-overlooked key to good security, says Sumir Karayi, is understanding your application estate and managing it appropriately

  2. Can Certification Make a Difference to Organizations?

    Panagiotis Fiampolis, R&D director at PEOPLECERT, discusses why it is time for organizations to look at certification in cybersecurity

    1. Photo of Panagiotis  Fiampolis

      Panagiotis Fiampolis

      Research & Development Director, PEOPLECERT

  3. How to Improve Access Security in Healthcare

    Data security is a high priority in the healthcare industry, where correct access rights for data are essential, says Dean Wiech

    1. Photo of Dean Wiech

      Dean Wiech

      Managing Director, Tools4ever

  4. Demystifying Threat Intelligence

    ‘Threat intelligence’ could be the answer to defeating dangerous cyber-threats. But what does it really mean? asks Adam Schoeman

    1. Photo of Adam Schoeman

      Adam Schoeman

      Senior Intelligence Analyst, SecureData

  5. Go, Slow and No: Bringing DevOps Speed to IT Security

    As DevOps speeds make their way into the security cycle, it is likely new security titles will appear

    1. Photo of Alan S Cohen

      Alan S Cohen

      Chief Commercial Officer, Illumio

  6. Are Keyless Car Manufacturers Clueless About Disclosure?

    Convenience always seems to come at a cost and never more so than with the keyless car.

    1. Photo of Ken Munro

      Ken Munro

      Partner, Pen Test Partners

  7. Security Pros Must Join Forces to Combat the Internet of Evil Things

    Vulnerable IoT devices and low-cost, plug-and-play cyber-espionage tools represent an emerging threat vector: the ‘internet of evil things’ (IoET). Dave Porcello argues infosec pros need to better understand this threat and collectively develop a standardized framework and taxonomy to enable IoET information exchange

    1. Photo of Dave Porcello

      Dave Porcello

      Founder & CTO, Pwnie Express

  8. Superfish: One Step Closer to Sinking our Boat

    It is clear that the system of trust established by keys and certificates is under attack

    1. Photo of Kevin Bocek

      Kevin Bocek

      Chief Innovation Officer, Venafi

  9. Why CISOs Should Care Who’s Attacking their Firm

    Chief information security officers and their teams should collect information on who's attacking their firm, rather than just how, says Jeremy Bergsman

    1. Photo of Jeremy Bergsman

      Jeremy Bergsman

      Practice Manager, CEB

  10. The Cybersecurity Challenges Facing State and Local Governments

    IT departments are focused like never before on keeping their networks and data secure, but they face several critical challenges, says Paul Lipman

    1. Photo of Paul Lipman

      Paul Lipman

      CEO, iSheriff

  11. Smarten Your Data Security or Risk Corporate Loss

    It’s never been more important for businesses to strengthen their IT security, amid a growing, sophisticated threat environment and impending EU legislation set to dispense large fines for data protection failures, writes Stuart Hooson

    1. Photo of Stuart Hooson

      Stuart Hooson

      Sales & Sales Operations Manager, Pinnacle Technology Group

  12. ICO fines and the public sector: something needs to change

    Are the fines that the ICO gives out and the 'letters of undertaking' given to the ICO from those responsible for data breaches doing anything at all to combat the problem?

    1. Photo of Norman Shaw

      Norman Shaw

      Founder and CEO, ExactTrak

  13. Reducing Cyber-Risk Through Cyber-Insurance

    Matt Middleton-Leal weighs up the risk-reduction possibilities offered up by enterprise cyber-insurance

    1. Photo of Matt  Middleton-Leal

      Matt Middleton-Leal

      UK and Ireland Director, CyberArk

  14. How to Go from Hunted to Hunter

    Organizations must act to shift the cybersecurity power balance in their favor, writes Ashish Patel

    1. Photo of Ashish Patel

      Ashish Patel

      General Manager - EMEA, Zimperium

  15. Professional Sports Teams are Risking a Cybersecurity Own Goal

    The world of professional sport faces a significant cyber-threat due to the data teams hold and their high profile, writes James Hampshire

    1. Photo of James Hampshire

      James Hampshire

      Senior Consultant, Control Risks

  16. Organizations Need to Break the Reactive Cycle

    Today’s businesses face the most dynamic and challenging security landscape ever seen. Traditional approaches are no longer sufficient, writes Rob Lay

    1. Photo of Rob Lay

      Rob Lay

      Enterprise and Cybersecurity Solutions Architect, Fujitsu

  17. Why Did Cybercrime Get So Easy?

    The rise in cybercrime can be attributed to the new age of MaaS (malware-as-a-service), says Carl Leonard

    1. Photo of Carl Leonard

      Carl Leonard

      Principal Security Analyst, Raytheon | Websense

  18. Hackers are Powerless with Zero Knowledge

    Every day hackers are being equipped for their next attack, as more and more users are trusting organizations with their personal information online. But with zero knowledge, hackers can be rendered powerless, says Steve Watts

    1. Photo of Steve Watts

      Steve Watts

      Co-founder, SecurEnvoy

  19. Open Source Vulnerabilities Call for Stronger Secure Shell Key Management

    The Heartbleed OpenSSL vulnerability woke everyone up to the risks that open source software can pose

    1. Photo of Matthew McKenna

      Matthew McKenna

      chief strategy officer, SSH Communications Security

  20. The Government is Offering £5000 Vouchers to SMBs: Will it Really Help their Security?

    £5000 vouchers may be a big step in the right direction but more needs to be done to incentivize SMBs to invest in their cybersecurity, says Corey Nachreiner

    1. Photo of Corey Nachreiner

      Corey Nachreiner

      CTO, WatchGuard Technologies

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