Infosecurity Opinions

  1. You Can Identify Hackers Before they Attack

    Ntrepid Chief Scientist Lance Cottrell discusses techniques businesses can implement to identify the attackers among their other visitors by using their own tools against them

    1. Photo of Lance Cottrell

      Lance Cottrell

      Chief Scientist, Ntrepid

  2. It’s Time to Change How We Think About SSL/TLS

    With continuous certificate monitoring available, there’s no reason organizations should not know about vulnerable deployments and immediately fix them, says Jason Sabin

    1. Photo of Jason Sabin

      Jason Sabin

      Chief Security Officer, DigiCert

  3. Why Are We Pretending Encryption Could Have Saved UCLA & OPM?

    The Office of Personnel Management and UCLA Health have both been under fire in the media this summer for failing at one of the most universal standards for data security: encryption

    1. Photo of David Gibson

      David Gibson

      CISSP, VP, Varonis

  4. How to Prepare for the Cloud Application Explosion

    To cope with the exponential rise of the app, data and cloud market, web security solutions must offer CAC capabilities, says Ed Macnair

    1. Photo of Ed Macnair

      Ed Macnair

      CEO, CensorNet

  5. Windows Server 2003 end of life – what does this mean for your business?

    With the Windows Server 2003 end of life date around the corner, what does the switch off of support actually mean for your business? We take a look.

  6. Everybody’s Watching Facebook Vs Belgium Because Everybody is Facebook

    In privacy cases, European internet companies may not be subject to just their home regulator, explains Sam Pfeifle

    1. Photo of Sam Pfeifle

      Sam Pfeifle

      Publications Director, International Association of Privacy Professionals

  7. Compliance Doesn't Have to be Painful

    Organizations are placing far too much emphasis on the compliance certification and not enough on the compliance process, says Dan Maloney

    1. Photo of Dan Maloney

      Dan Maloney

      VP of Marketing and Business Development, AccelOps

  8. Security Alerts: You Only Have 7 Minutes to Decide

    On average, an IT executive has only seven minutes to determine whether their organization is under attack

    1. Photo of Márton Illés

      Márton Illés

      Product Evangelist, BalaBit

  9. Future Proof Your Data Protection: GDPR and Beyond

    If GDPR doesn’t mean much to you yet, it soon will, writes Alessandro Porro

    1. Photo of Alessandro Porro

      Alessandro Porro

      VP of International, Ipswitch

  10. Are Car Tracking Devices Safe and Secure?

    The European Parliament passed a new eCall law in April which states that, from 2018, every new car will contain a black box. But what are the security implications? asks Gary Newe

    1. Photo of Gary Newe

      Gary Newe

      Technical director, F5 Networks

  11. Productivity and Security Don’t Have to Be a Trade-off

    The modern workplace is awash with enterprise cloud apps, with employees and organizations alike increasingly seeking greater productivity – but this doesn’t have to mean a decline in security, says Eduard Meelhuysen

    1. Photo of Eduard Meelhuysen

      Eduard Meelhuysen

      VP EMEA, Netskope

  12. The Scope of the Mobile Banking Problem

    Financial institutions present many opportunities for electronic theft, and cyber-attackers’ improved techniques and ever-more-aggressive malware makes them increasingly vulnerable, writes Jan Valcke

    1. Photo of Jan Valcke

      Jan Valcke

      President and COO, Vasco Data Security

  13. Cloud is the New Model for Innovation

    Steve Schmidt discusses how the cloud is enabling security departments to embrace innovation and deliver new projects. He takes a look at the lengths cloud providers go to in order to ensure the highest levels of security for all customers, including those in traditionally security-conscious industries

    1. Photo of Steve Schmidt

      Steve Schmidt

      CISO, Amazon Web Services

  14. What is the True Cost of a Data Breach?

    Laurance Dine explains Verizon’s assessment model for gauging the financial impact of a security breach

    1. Photo of Laurance Dine

      Laurance Dine

      Global Partner, X-Force Incident Response, IBM

  15. Secure the DNS to Secure the Business

    Securing DNS is crucial to mitigating APTs. Businesses that don’t are neglecting their best defense says Chris Marrison, consulting solutions architect at Infoblox

    1. Photo of Chris Marrison

      Chris Marrison

      Consulting Solutions Architect, Infoblox

  16. Security Requires a Blended, Collaborative Approach

    Former FBI special agent, Thomas Trier, advocates the creation of a security task force within organizations

    1. Photo of Thomas Trier

      Thomas Trier

      Founder, Security Intelligence Consulting LLC

  17. Five Anti-DDoS Tips for Hosting Providers

    Rishi Agarwal explains how to beat DDoSers at their own game

    1. Photo of Rishi Agarwal

      Rishi Agarwal

      Chief Evangelist, NSFOCUS

  18. Beyond EMV: Why Cloud-Based Payments Security is Key

    Talk of EMV is dominating payments security news, but cloud-based solutions are critical for any business planning to make the switch. Chester Ritchie looks at how, when coupled with EMV, these solutions can ensure end-to-end protection in any environment and the highest level of transaction security

    1. Photo of Chester Ritchie

      Chester Ritchie

      SVP, Worldpay US

  19. Balancing Agility with Security

    Terry Greer-King discusses why businesses need to find a balancing act between business enablement and protection as part of a visibility-driven and threat-centric approach to security

    1. Photo of Terry  Greer-King

      Terry Greer-King

      Director of Cybersecurity, Cisco

  20. Think You’re Safe from Malware? Think Again

    The bad guys no longer need to trick you into downloading malware onto your PC, says Jérôme Segura. They can do this without your knowledge by using exploits, meaning the tools you used to prepare against attacks are no longer sufficient

    1. Photo of Jérôme Segura

      Jérôme Segura

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