Infosecurity Opinions

  1. Keeping Ahead of New Hacker Techniques

    In the effort to thwart cyber-criminals from stealing sensitive data, understanding how the enemy works is half the battle, says Rick Delgado

    1. Photo of Rick Delgado

      Rick Delgado

      Contributing Writer

  2. Threat Intelligence May Not Be The Answer

    Dow Jones’s Rob Sloan queries whether the vendor drive for threat intelligence is really a key priority

    1. Photo of Rob Sloan

      Rob Sloan

      Head of Cyber Content and Data, Dow Jones Risk and Compliance

  3. Citibank’s Friction Reduction Patent: One Giant Leap for Online Banking

    New patent from Citibank reduces the inconvenience of logging in for online banking users – it’s a big step, but there’s more to be done, writes Avi Turgeman

    1. Photo of Avi Turgeman

      Avi Turgeman

      Founder, BioCatch

  4. Point-Counterpoint: Should Companies Invest More in Skills or Tools?

    Two experts assess what companies need to prioritize

  5. People Are Not Broken, Passwords Are

    For way too long our industry has been blaming the failings of an out-dated access mechanism on users and doing a good job of getting away with it, says Brian Spector

    1. Photo of Brian Spector

      Brian Spector

      CEO, Certivox

  6. Decoupling Encryption: Building Bridges Between CISO and CTO

    Data encryption is ever more important; indeed, it is demanded by regulators. As Certes Networks’ Paul German explains, it is only by decoupling encryption from its current ‘add-on’ role that the needs of both CTO and CISO can, finally, be addressed

  7. Caught in the Middle? Minimising Network Migration Risks

    Firms are increasingly falling foul of security holes and downtime as they struggle to shift applications onto the cloud and other modern platforms. Reuven Harrison, CTO of Tufin, believes careful network planning and security policy orchestration can ease their pains

    1. Photo of Reuven Harrison

      Reuven Harrison

      CTO, Tufin

  8. Why PCI DSS 3.1 has Followed 3.0 so Quickly

    PCI SSC has issued PCI DSS 3.1 outside its usual cycle in order to respond to threats. So what’s the emergency?

    1. Photo of A.N. Ananth

      A.N. Ananth

      Chief Strategy Officer at Netsurion

  9. The Website Risk Assessment Tools Every Security Manager Must Use

    The most basic step in dealing with attacks is finding a combination of assessment tools that can identify vulnerabilities and reduce exposure

    1. Photo of Nimrod Luria

      Nimrod Luria

      Co-founder & CTO, Sentrix

  10. 25 Years On, Firewalls are Still Burning Bright

    Firewalls have been the mainstay of network security for more than two decades and organizations still view the devices as a critical element of their defensive strategy

    1. Photo of Jody Brazil

      Jody Brazil

      Founder and CEO, FireMon

  11. The Pitfalls of Common Key Generation Strategies

    Strong encryption is essential, but the process of encrypting data is not that challenging, and nor is using the relevant tools, says Jonathan Carter

    1. Photo of Jonathan Carter

      Jonathan Carter

      OWASP and Arxan Technologies

  12. Cybercrime is Now Big Business

    Cyber-attacks, no longer the actions of a few rogue individuals, are now big business. It’s a growth industry crying out for serious countermeasures

    1. Craig D’Abreo

      VP of Security Operations, Masergy Communications

  13. How Deniability is Covering Up Security Weaknesses

    As businesses try to distance themselves from expensive public security failures, deniability is becoming the name of the game

    1. Photo of Ken Munro

      Ken Munro

      Partner, Pen Test Partners

  14. Education is the Best Way to Protect Businesses

    It is important to establish a foundation of security awareness and education among employees, writes Mike Duncan

    1. Photo of Mike Duncan

      Mike Duncan

      Manager, Information Security, Peer 1 Hosting

  15. Is Cloud Application Control the Silver Lining That Any Next Generation Web Security Solution Needs?

    The ongoing consumerization of IT is creating a shadow IT community, of which CIOs have little or no control.

    1. Photo of Ed Macnair

      Ed Macnair

      CEO, CensorNet

  16. Safeguarding the Public Sector against the Threat of Device Loss

    Recent data has revealed that two-fifths of those who work away from the office said their device had been lost or stolen in a public place , putting corporate and customer data at risk. The study also found that only around half of employees were aware that their organization had a remote working policy in place, with a quarter admitting they have broken it.

    1. Photo of Chris Mayers

      Chris Mayers

      Chief Security Architect, Citrix

  17. Are you Immune to the Venom Security Flaw?

    The Venom security flaw has been described by some as bigger than Heartbleed, the vulnerability in OpenSSL which allowed adversaries to eavesdrop on internet communications, steal data and impersonate services and users. Elias Manousos assesses this claim

    1. Photo of Elias Manousos

      Elias Manousos

      CEO, RiskIQ

  18. Transforming Cybersecurity into a C-Suite Priority

    For many IT professionals, attempting to promote the urgency of security preparedness to senior leadership feels a bit like screaming in a soundproof booth

    1. Photo of Richard Barber

      Richard Barber

      CFO, WatchGuard

  19. Why Outdated Fraud Detection is Costing Companies Customers

    Why are retailers driving customers away in their bid to secure sensitive data? Online fraud prevention specialist, Tony Larks, investigates the flaws in today’s authentication solutions and sets out a new path for protecting valuable customer relationships

    1. Photo of Tony Larks

      Tony Larks

      Director of Research, ThreatMetrix

  20. Collaboration Can Drive Trust in Android

    Allen Storey explains the need for collaboration within the entire industry to bolster security on the Android platform

    1. Photo of Allen Storey

      Allen Storey

      Product Director, Intercede

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