Infosecurity Opinions

  1. What You Don’t Know Can Harm You

    As intellectual property and critical data continues to extend into every corner of an organization, information security becomes everyone’s problem and everyone’s responsibility

    1. Photo of Simon Church

      Simon Church

      General Manager and Executive Vice President, Europe at Optiv

  2. Eight Things You Need to Know Before Deploying a Cyber-Threat Intelligence Solution

    Nettitude’s senior research analyst, Dr Jules Pagna Disso, sets out eight considerations for organizations looking to deploy a cyber-threat intelligence solution

    1. Photo of Dr Jules Pagna Disso

      Dr Jules Pagna Disso

      Senior Research Analyst, Nettitude

  3. How to Deal with Unknown Files Effectively

    Michel Bechard explains how to combat the files that are gaining access to networks and causing mega breaches

    1. Photo of Michél Bechard

      Michél Bechard

      Director of Service Provider Technologies, Comodo

  4. Companies Must Implement Smart Information-Sharing Policies

    Richard Anstey looks at the biggest security threats facing corporate data today, what can be done to address them, and how these are set to develop over the coming year

    1. Photo of Richard Anstey

      Richard Anstey

      CTO EMEA, Intralinks

  5. The Secure Blockchain is Bitcoin’s Biggest Asset

    The blockchain is a unique way for a distributed network of computers that don’t necessarily trust each other to achieve consensus. Stephen Pair explains why this is important

    1. Photo of Stephen Pair

      Stephen Pair

      Co-founder and CEO, BitPay

  6. BYOD is the New Wi-Fi

    How to refocus tactical and strategic initiatives to become an enabler of innovation – with the ‘right’ level of security

    1. Photo of Dan Lohrmann

      Dan Lohrmann

      Field CISO, Presidio

  7. Is Access Certification Still Able To Do Its Job?

    Because most organizations are subject to industry-specific audit requirements, they must confirm that the right people have suitable access to the organization’s sensitive data

    1. Photo of Chris Sullivan

      Chris Sullivan

      Chief Information Security Officer, SecureAuth

  8. DDoS, Lizard Squad and Preparing for Cyber-War

    A look at Lizard Squad’s infrastructure reveals an alarming trend that’s particularly worrying when considering the expansion of the internet of things, says Steve Armstrong

    1. Photo of Steve Armstrong

      Steve Armstrong

      Certified Instructor, The SANS Institute

  9. Bridging the Gap Between IT Security and Marketing

    When dealing with marketing organizations, the key challenge for information security specialists is not communicating the benefits of new solutions, but changing the hearts and minds of staff.

    1. Photo of David Moeller

      David Moeller

      CEO, CodeGuard

  10. Perimeter Security has Perfect Amnesia

    While perimeter security has its place in a defense-in-depth security strategy, the reality is that perimeter security has the same perfect amnesia as a goldfish swimming in circles in its bowl.

    1. Photo of Oliver Tavakoli

      Oliver Tavakoli

      CTO, Vectra Networks

  11. Playing Host to the Hacker

    It’s time to get used to having unwanted guests on the network, says James Henry

    1. Photo of James Henry

      James Henry

      Consulting Practice Manager, Auriga Consulting

  12. The Danger your Business Faces is Already in the Building

    The biggest danger to business can be seemingly small threats, which often hide in plain sight, writes Matt Davies

    1. Photo of Matt Davies

      Matt Davies

      EMEA Head of Marketing, Splunk

  13. Who Watches the Watchers when You Outsource?

    Managing the privileges around access for third parties is essential if companies are going to outsource their IT operations effectively, says Stuart Facey

    1. Photo of Stuart Facey

      Stuart Facey

      VP International, Bomgar Corporation

  14. What are Nation-State Attacks Really Telling Us?

    It’s time for companies to change their approach to state-sponsored attacks, writes Mike Auty

    1. Mike Auty

      Senior Security Researcher, MWR InfoSecurity

  15. Insecure Passwords or Insecure People?

    Like it or not, the password is going to be around for a long time, says Richard Walters

    1. Photo of Richard Walters

      Richard Walters

      CTO of CensorNet

  16. How Leaders Build Cyber-Resilient Organizations

    Improving your cyber-resilience requires a re-evaluation of cyber in terms of business strategy says Jason Polancich

    1. Photo of Jason Polancich

      Jason Polancich

      Founder and Chief Architect, SurfWatch Labs

  17. Secure Your Future with a Virtual CISO

    Organizations struggling to find the budget to hire top-level security professionals could consider bringing in outside help, says Michelle Drolet

    1. Photo of Michelle Drolet

      Michelle Drolet

      Founder, Towerwall

  18. The Privacy Challenges of Cloud Computing

    Bond Dickinson LLP’s Sarah Daun and Andy Kimble examine the data protection concerns raised by cloud-based storage solutions

    1. Photo of Sarah Daun

      Sarah Daun

      Associate, Bond Dickinson LLP

    2. Photo of Andy Kimble

      Andy Kimble

      Partner, Bond Dickinson LLP

  19. To Minimize the Damage Caused by Breaches, Data must be Effectively Locked Down

    Rreze Halili discusses how organizations can effectively lock down data to minimize the damage caused by breaches and increase overall resilience

    1. Photo of Rreze Halili

      Rreze Halili

      Training Course Developer, PECB International

  20. Google Glass Could Still Have a Future in Education and Healthcare

    Many are asking if Google Glass is dead, but the benefits it brings could still have relevance in the workplace, writes Elden Nelson

    1. Photo of Elden Nelson

      Elden Nelson

      Editor-in-Chief, Wisegate

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