Infosecurity Opinions

  1. Why M&A Transactions are a Soft Target for Cyber-Attack

    The M&A market is a perfect hunting ground for cyber-criminals, writes Ian McCaw

    1. Photo of Ian McCaw

      Ian McCaw

      Executive Director, EY

  2. Security Pros Must Better Understand the Human Factor Behind Passwords

    Passwords are a pain for all concerned, but CIOs need to better understand the human motivations behind their use (and misuse), says Jeremy Bergsman

    1. Photo of Jeremy Bergsman

      Jeremy Bergsman

      Managing Director, IT Practice, CEB

  3. Why I Want To Bank on My Brain and not Biometrics

    Winfrasoft's Alissa Lang explains why she wants to bank on her brain and not her biometrics when it comes to authentication

    1. Photo of Alissa  Lang

      Alissa Lang

      Sales Director, Winfrasoft

  4. How to Protect Your Business Against a DDoS Attack

    Wieland Alge argues that there will be a continued rise in web application attacks and DDoS incidents during 2015 and offers advice to businesses on how best to guard against such incidents

    1. Photo of Wieland Alge

      Wieland Alge

      VP & General Manager EMEA, Barracuda Networks

  5. SMS-based 2FA is the Best Approach to Meet New EU Guidelines

    Thorsten Trapp, CTO and co-founder of tyntec, explains how companies can meet the latest security requirements for online payments

    1. Photo of Thorsten Trapp

      Thorsten Trapp

      CTO, tyntec

  6. The Top 10 WordPress Security Tips

    Ian Muscat lists some basic steps to keep your WordPress sites safe, all of which are a good starting point in making security a top, and ongoing, priority

    1. Photo of Ian Muscat

      Ian Muscat

      Technical Support/QA Engineer, Acunetix

  7. Point-Counterpoint: The Key Skills for New Recruits

    Are hard tech skills the priority when hiring for infosec? Or are there other factors to prioritize?

    1. Photo of Chris Dunning-Walton

      Chris Dunning-Walton

      Director, Infosec People

    2. Photo of Brian Honan

      Brian Honan

      CEO, BH Consulting

  8. Has Hillary Clinton’s Email Controversy Taught you Anything?

    Your business may not deal in matters of international diplomacy, but there’s still a valuable lesson to learn from the former secretary of state’s email scandal, writes Ian Trump

    1. Photo of Ian Trump

      Ian Trump

      Security Lead, LogicNow

  9. Orchestration and Analytics are the New Infosec Buzzwords

    These practices are essential in mitigating the damage of modern cyber-attacks, writes Ben Johnson

    1. Photo of Ben Johnson

      Ben Johnson

      Chief Security Strategist, Bit9 + Carbon Black

  10. Go Hack Yourself... Really

    Organizations are very focused on building security defenses in an attempt to stop attacks, mostly from the outside. But IXIA’s VP Fred Kost reckons they should spend more time taking on the role of the attacker and trying to defeat the very defenses they have worked hard to put in place

    1. Photo of Fred Kost

      Fred Kost

      Vice President of Security Solutions, Ixia

  11. Managing Digital Identities will Drive the Digital Economy

    This year will see 4.9bn connected things in use, growing to 25bn by 2020. There will be winners and losers in this hyper-connected world, says Neil Chapman

    1. Photo of Neil Chapman

      Neil Chapman

      Senior VP & MD EMEA, ForgeRock

  12. Anthem Reminds Us That We Need a New Tune for Data Security

    A breach doesn’t have to result in the disaster experienced by Anthem and Sony, writes Ken Levine

    1. Photo of Ken Levine

      Ken Levine

      President and CEO, Digital Guardian

  13. PCI DSS 3.0 is Here – What Do Organizations Need to Know?

    PCI DSS 3.0 brings with it a number of challenges to ensure compliance. Torsten George looks at how organizations can overcome these effectively

    1. Photo of Torsten George

      Torsten George

      Vice President, Worldwide Marketing, Agiliance

  14. Ethics in the Antivirus Industry have Shifted

    It’s not ethical for antivirus vendors to use misleading tactics to install PUPs in exchange for quick cash, says Christian Mairoll

    1. Photo of Christian Mairoll

      Christian Mairoll

      CEO, Emsisoft

  15. Getting the Right Balance between Employee Enablement and Control

    Russell Miller, former ethical hacker and current director in identity and access management at CA Technologies explores why protecting against insider threats is often a big challenge for organizations

    1. Photo of Russell Miller

      Russell Miller

      Director, Product Marketing, CA Technologies

  16. Cybersecurity and the CFO: What Your Organization Needs to Know

    The CFO’s role in an organization’s security operation is vital, and it’s crucial that companies recognize this, writes Steve Durbin

    1. Photo of Steve Durbin

      Steve Durbin

      CEO, Information Security Forum

  17. How to Mitigate the Security Risks Associated with the Public Cloud

    Cost savings and convenience make cloud computing attractive to organizations – but there are a number of security priorities to consider, says Amit Cohen

    1. Photo of Amit Cohen

      Amit Cohen

      CEO, FortyCloud

  18. Macs are Safer than PCs, Right?

    Rick Delgado looks at the age-old fallacy that Macs are somehow invulnerable to attack

    1. Photo of Rick Delgado

      Rick Delgado

      Contributing Writer

  19. The UK Government Must Act Now on Cyber-Threats

    Ash J. Hunt believes that the government is lagging behind in its policy and strategy regarding cyber-threats, and must act now

    1. Photo of Ash J. Hunt

      Ash J. Hunt

      Contributing Writer

  20. Looking Beyond the Biometrics Hype

    Problems with biometric authentication mean it is far from a fool-proof security solution, argues Silvio Kutic

    1. Photo of Silvio Kutic

      Silvio Kutic

      Founder & CEO, Infobip

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