Infosecurity Opinions

  1. What the Citadel Can Teach Us about Computer Security

    It’s time to turn the permissive computing model on its head, writes Brian Maccaba

    1. Photo of Brian Maccaba

      Brian Maccaba

      CEO, Waratek

  2. Infosec and the Blame Game

    Peter Berlich explores the challenge of keeping your professional integrity in an organization with a culture of blame

    1. Photo of Peter  Berlich

      Peter Berlich

      Management Consultant, Birchtree Consulting

  3. A Hybrid Approach: Rewriting the Rules for DDoS Defense

    Dave Larson discusses why and how organizations should take a hybrid approach to DDoS protection

    1. Photo of Dave Larson

      Dave Larson

      CTO & VP, Corero Network Security

  4. Big Data Poses Many Data Protection Questions

    More and more companies now say that they are using or looking to use big data analytics in their business. But the concept of big data raises a number of issues for data protection and data security, says Paul Glass

    1. Photo of Paul Glass

      Paul Glass

      Senior Associate, Taylor Wessing

  5. Why Your Data May Need a Passport

    The actual physical location of data is no longer cut and dry, as electronic forms of information and in particular, the cloud, have changed the entire IT landscape, says David Cannellos

    1. Photo of David Canellos

      David Canellos

      president and CEO, Perspecsys

  6. Employees are the Missing Piece of the Security Puzzle

    Security policies will not be successful without employee compliance, but almost a quarter of employees believe security is not their responsibility. Fordway’s Richard Blanford advises organizations to develop realistic security policies to encourage employee buy-in and use solutions such as DLP and single sign-on

    1. Photo of Richard Blanford

      Richard Blanford

      Managing Director, Fordway

  7. Dealing with the Stress of an Infosec Job

    IT security managers are pressured by the many demands of a job that requires them to deal with unpredictable technical issues, systems threats, administrative tasks, strict deadlines and certification requirements. Stress cannot be prevented – but it can be minimized with pre-planning and good communication, says Daniel Brecht

    1. Photo of Daniel Brecht

      Daniel Brecht

      Contributing Writer

  8. Data Protection Starts with Everyone

    You and your co-workers are the final frontier in an organization’s breach defenses, writes Roy Peretz

    1. Photo of Roy Peretz

      Roy Peretz

      VP Product Management, Whitebox Security

  9. 2015 State of the Union Address: The Implications

    The current proposals are the equivalent of putting up more security cameras instead of buying a better safe, says Bill Solms

    1. Photo of Bill Solms

      Bill Solms

      CEO, Wave Systems

  10. Security Audit Policy is Essential in Ensuring Network Security

    Failing an audit in an industry with tight regulatory compliance could have serious consequences – so make sure you’re on the ball, says Rupesh Kumar

    1. Photo of Rupesh Kumar

      Rupesh Kumar

      Director, Lepide Software

  11. Tackling A False Sense of Device Security

    Vince Mazza addresses users’ security misconceptions surrounding smart devices – regardless of brand, he says, consumers need to be more vigilant when it comes to protecting their personal data

    1. Photo of Vince Mazza

      Vince Mazza

      CEO, Guard Street

  12. The SOC Lone Ranger: Achieving More with Less

    Working around lack of security budget and resources doesn’t have to be so bad, argues Joe Schreiber

    1. Joe Schreiber

      solutions architect, AlienVault

  13. How to Reward Performance for Security Professionals

    Senior roles in corporations frequently come with performance-based pay schemes attached. Security professionals should put professionalism first and not aim to please for the sake of a reward, says Peter Berlich

    1. Photo of Peter  Berlich

      Peter Berlich

      Management Consultant, Birchtree Consulting

  14. Why ‘Zero Trust’ Might be the Best Approach for Your Organization

    François Amigorena takes a brief look at the core issues behind an ever increasing landscape of IT security breaches and makes the case for ‘zero trust’

    1. Photo of François Amigorena

      François Amigorena

      Founder and CEO, IS Decisions

  15. Educate Your Staff to Spot Dropbox Phishing Campaigns

    There has been a noticeable surge in cyber-criminals using Dropbox to deliver malware and to hide attacks so they can bypass antivirus software and fool recipients into opening malicious links and attachments. Ronnie Tokazowski asks why Dropbox is so attractive to cyber-criminals, and explains how to educate your staff

    1. Photo of Ronnie Tokazowski

      Ronnie Tokazowski

      Principal Threat Advisor, Cofense

  16. Is Threat Intelligence Actually Fueling Prevention?

    Patrick Peterson explains how criminals are penetrating current security controls and describes intelligence that can detect attacks in real-time and provide the ammunition businesses need to take action

    1. Photo of Patrick Peterson

      Patrick Peterson

      CEO, Agari

  17. Do Not Accept the Myth that Cyber Thieves are Always One Step Ahead

    Adopting an information-centric approach that enables real-time monitoring of data at rest will enable organizations to better manage the risk associated with data, writes Greg Sullivan

    1. Photo of Greg Sullivan

      Greg Sullivan

      CEO, Global Velocity

  18. Three Steps to Ensure Bigger Spend Translates to Better Security

    Ensuring maximum capability per dollar spent is essential when implementing security measures, argues Adam Meyer

    1. Photo of Adam Meyer

      Adam Meyer

      chief security strategist, SurfWatch Labs

  19. How UK Businesses Can Cope with the Shortage of Cybersecurity Skills

    Chris Sullivan asks whether organizations could use other ways to mitigate cybersecurity risk despite the skills shortage

    1. Photo of Chris Sullivan

      Chris Sullivan

      Chief Information Security Officer, SecureAuth

  20. Not Just Another Token Solution to Data Residency Issues

    David Canellos discusses growing concerns around data residency and data sovereignty regulations as they relate to cloud services

    1. Photo of David Canellos

      David Canellos

      president and CEO, Perspecsys

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