Infosecurity Opinions

  1. How Mobile Biometrics is Fundamentally Changing Human Identification

    Mobile biometrics is rapidly becoming a key human identification platform, transforming how people access business and personal information, says Mohammad Shahnewaz

    1. Photo of Mohammad Shahnewaz

      Mohammad Shahnewaz

      senior executive, M2SYS Technology

  2. Will the Bash Bug Be the Grinch that Steals Christmas?

    Patches may have been installed, but the Bash bug could be a very real threat to retailers and manufacturers this holiday season, says Patrick Upatham

    1. Photo of Patrick Upatham

      Patrick Upatham

      Digital Guardian

  3. How You Can Secure Your Company and Your Career

    Communication skills and engagement styles, rather than a pure focus on technical knowledge and qualifications, are essential traits for infosec pros, argues Jason Waterman

    1. Photo of Jason Waterman

      Jason Waterman

      Principal consultant, Badenoch & Clark

  4. Securing the Connected Supply Chain

    Opening enterprise networks to supply chain partners means more potential back doors into systems. Firms must apply automation to network connectivity management to minimize the risk of serious security breaches, argues Reuven Harrison

    1. Photo of Reuven Harrison

      Reuven Harrison

      CTO, Tufin

  5. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Tor?

    We need to protect those that legitimately need internet privacy, while prosecuting those that abuse those networks that make up the dark web. But is it possible? Colin Tankard investigates

    1. Photo of Colin Tankard

      Colin Tankard

      Managing Director, Digital Pathways

  6. Defining Moments in the History of Cyber-Security and the Rise of Incident Response

    Ted Julian identifies the milestone incidents from the past 25 years which typify the way in which the threat landscape has evolved, how security has developed in response and how we can expect things to change in the future

    1. Photo of Ted Julian

      Ted Julian

      Former IDC/Forrester analyst and CMO, CO3 Systems

  7. Are Retailers Prepared for an Onslaught of Sales?

    After a tough year for retailers, Ross Brewer discusses the importance of continuous network monitoring as Christmas shopping ramps up a level

    1. Photo of Ross Brewer

      Ross Brewer

      VP and MD for international markets, LogRhythm

  8. How IT Departments Can Become True Business Partners

    Poul Nielsen discusses how IT Operations Analytics provide a full insight into the performance of the company’s IT infrastructure and help to improve security, allowing operations teams to make more sound business decisions

    1. Photo of Poul Nielsen

      Poul Nielsen

      Director of Strategy, Nexthink

  9. All I Want For Christmas is... Ransomware?

    It’s essential to ensure unwanted malware and infections do not enter the workplace this Christmas. Ian Trump offer five key steps to safeguard against BYOD threats

    1. Photo of Ian Trump

      Ian Trump

      Security Lead, LogicNow

  10. The Top 5 Data Center Threats You Need to Know

    From DDoS to weak authentication, Kasey Cross examines the major perils that threaten data centers today

    1. Photo of Kasey  Cross

      Kasey Cross

      Security Evangelist, A10 Networks

  11. Why Retailers and Businesses Must Act Now on PCI Compliance

    With the threat of customer data breaches always looming, Kevin Burns highlights the importance of Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance in minimizing this risk, and how businesses can best adhere to its regulations

    1. Photo of Kevin Burns

      Kevin Burns

      Head of Solution Architecture, Vodat International

  12. Medical Devices: Safeguarding the Healthcare Revolution

    As Apple and Google launch their first health-monitoring apps, Gary Newe examines these new technologies’ vulnerability to cyber-attacks, and explores how two industries can work together to safeguard sensitive medical data

    1. Photo of Gary Newe

      Gary Newe

      Technical director, F5 Networks

  13. Is Your Organization Running Out of Time in the Battle Against NTP Attacks?

    From ISPs to enterprises, all businesses must extricate their collective heads from the sand and tackle the DDoS threat posed by large volumetric attacks. Darren Anstee explains how…

  14. Why Fixing One Flaw at a Time is Flawed

    If Security Professionals want to effectively identify and manage vulnerabilities they must take a holistic view, commit to a three-year program, and act on expert advice, says Towerwall Founder Michelle Drolet.

    1. Photo of Michelle Drolet

      Michelle Drolet

      Founder, Towerwall

  15. Prevention, Detection and Response: A New Approach to Tackle APTs

    Evolving Threats Require CISOs to Disrupt Attacks Across the Entire Chain, From Break-in to Exfiltration, Argues Martin Borrett, Director at the IBM Institute for Advanced Security.

    1. Photo of Martin  Borrett

      Martin Borrett

      Director of IBM Institute for Advanced Security, IBM MaaS360

  16. Looking for Clues to Win the Malware War

    With Cybercriminals Increasingly Able to Cover Their Tracks, Point-in-time Detection is No Longer Enough. Terry Greer-King Says We Need to Watch for the Trail of Clues it Leaves Behind.

    1. Photo of Terry  Greer-King

      Terry Greer-King

      Director of Cybersecurity, Cisco

  17. Third Party Libraries: the Swiss Cheese of App Security

    Waratek director of client security solutions, Prateep Bandharangshi, explains how to minimize the risk of another Heartbleed.

    1. Prateep Bandharangshi

      Director of client security solutions, Waratek

  18. How to Stay Out of the Headlines with Protective Marking

    All organizations can take a leaf out of the Government’s book and use data classification to safeguard information, says Colin Tankard, Managing Director of Digital Pathways

    1. Photo of Colin Tankard

      Colin Tankard

      Managing Director, Digital Pathways

  19. People, Process, Technology: How Good Information Security Can Grow Your Business

    Companies must strike a balance between being able to share information and protect it, in order to support business growth. BAE Systems’ Malcolm Carrie explains where the answer lies…

  20. Keeping the crown jewels under lock and key

    Information governance is not just good for improving security, it is good business practice.

    1. Photo of Fran Howarth

      Fran Howarth

      Snr Analyst, Security, Bloor Research

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