Infosecurity Opinions

  1. Comment: Cybercrime Comes to a Site Near You

    The individual computing device is the new perimeter. All hackers need is one vulnerable person, and your entire organization is at risk, observes GreenSQL’s David Maman

  2. Comment: Today’s Biggest Security Risk – Your CEO

    Company leadership who underestimate the risks posed to data are standing in the way of stronger, more efficient security, says Clement Cazalot of docTrackr

  3. Comment: Chief Legal Officer will be a Powerful Ally to the CISO of the Future

    Guidance Software’s Sam Maccherola outlines how the CLO can provide an added perspective as overall corporate risk manager, when it comes to putting together a water-tight cybersecurity incident response plan that will protect an organization’s legal interests

  4. Comment: Embrace the New EU Data Protection Laws to Keep the Consumer Safe

    Proposed changes to the EU data protection laws have attracted some widespread criticism. Tim Critchley of Semafone remembers a similar protest about the introduction of PCI DSS regulations and says it’s time to stop complaining and consider the rights of the consumer

  5. Comment: Parliamentary Porn Habits

    Security analyst Bill Walker says the only scandal regarding recent revelations about the frequency of the UK Parliament’s porn surfing is the lack of web security training

  6. Comment: Beware the Nascent Cyber Insurance Market

    As security incidents grow in number and severity, organizations are not only relying on their own defenses to guard against losses, but are increasingly looking to insure themselves against those losses. However, all should be aware that the cyber insurance market is still in relative infancy, as Colin Tankard outlines

  7. Cyber Resilience: Building a Defense Strategy that Works

    The ISF’s Steve Durbin discusses how organizations can converge cybersecurity and risk management strategies to help deal with unknown threats in cyberspace

  8. Comment: Finding Common Ground through Simulated Phishing Attacks

    By helping users understand that they can be part of the security solution, Joe Ferrara of Wombat Security says simulated phishing attacks can mend the often difficult relationship between users and infosecurity teams by opening up lines of communication

  9. Comment: Encryption is Critical for IaaS

    When organizations move their data to the cloud, traditional security measures may not be effective. With some basic knowledge, Bill Hackenberger of HighCloud Security says companies can take advantage of Infrastructure-as-a-Service, while keeping their data private

  10. Comment: Cybercrime Goes Back to the Future

    Cybercrime goes back to its roots to infiltrate tomorrow’s organizations. Darren Turnbull of Fortinet looks at the importance of a unified approach and sandboxing as a key tactic in the fight against advanced persistent threats

  11. Comment: Data Retention – The Privacy Threat Hidden in Plain Sight

    The US may be reeling from revelations surrounding the NSA’s PRISM program but, as IVPN's Nick Pearson discusses, the next government program to threaten online privacy may originate from European shores

  12. Say No to Digital Rights Management and Intellectual Property Rights?

    Steve Mathews explores DRM options in a world where completely preventing the copying and distribution files is nearly impossible

  13. Comment: Cybersecurity in a Post-prevention World

    As long as we continue to incorrectly believe that we can simply block bad things, cybercriminals will win the battle, says Blue Coat’s Brian Contos. He suggests investing in incident detection and response to minimize the threat window following an incident, and to better understand what’s actually happened

  14. Comment: Getting the Compliance Budget “Just Right”

    A risk aware, long-term approach to regulatory compliance budgets is the path toward optimized spending. EventTracker’s AN Ananth explains his Goldilocks strategy

  15. Go Ahead, Blame China

    David Stupples contends China’s state-sponsored actors not only have the means, but also the motive to hack away at any organization’s intellectual property

  16. Mutually Assured Cyber Destruction

    Jarno Limnell says without the unveiling of evidence that’s nearly impossible to collect, nation-states should take a look in the mirror before they blame China as the world’s worst transgressor of cyber-espionage

  17. Comment: Myths and Misconceptions on Securing Open-source Software

    Agile security expert Ryan Berg addresses the common myths and misconceptions of securing open-source software and offers practical tips on how to build in security throughout the software development lifecycle – from design, development and deployment through to production

  18. Comment: There’s No Such Thing as Cyber War

    Chester Wisniewski of Sophos wages battle on the term ‘cyber war’

  19. Comment: Secure Everything, Everywhere

    Andrew Walker-Brown of Dell SonicWALL discusses the need for all-encompassing security to ensure performance and productivity

  20. Comment: Mutual Authentication and Customer Education Can Prevent Fraud

    Pat Carroll of ValidSoft uses recent examples of fraud to illustrate the need for mutual authentication and better customer education

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