Infosecurity Opinions
Comment: Is the US Next to Implement Chip and PIN?
Jose Diaz of Thales e-Security discusses the potential migration to Chip and PIN in the US. Diaz explains how this transition could improve security of our payments infrastructure.
Comment: Watch out – cybercriminals are about
It’s a dangerous online world, and you need to stay alert if you want to keep safe from scammers hell bent on stealing your credentials. Amit Klein, CTO of Trusteer, looks at the tactics cybercriminals are using to dupe us into revealing more than we intend to, and gives seven defences to help keep our guards up.
Comment: Extreme data protection in virtualised environments
Peter Eicher of Syncsort draws from his 16 years of software industry experience to outline five data protection imperatives that organisations should consider during virtual server planning.
Comment: Extreme Data Protection in Virtualized Environments
Peter Eicher of Syncsort draws from his 16 years of software industry experience to outline five data protection imperatives that organizations should consider during virtual server planning.
Comment: Securing data-at-rest with self-encrypting drives
In order for data centres to guarantee the security of their most valuable asset – that is, data – they must identify critical control points where data is at its most vulnerable. One of these critical control points is when data is at rest, particularly data stored on hardware and storage devices. Bret Weber, chief architect at storage and networking provider LSI, that looks at how data centres can utilise self-encrypting hard drives to protect data-at-rest.
Comment: Working with third-party suppliers
Recent legislation has granted the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) the authority to issue hefty fines for the mislaying or misuse of sensitive student information. Chris Jones, CEO of PageOne, outlines the steps educational institutions should take when working with third-party suppliers to avoid serious penalties and ensure sensitive data is protected.
Comment: Why Cybercriminals Love WiFi
AirTight Network’s Ajay Kumar Gupta says it’s no coincidence that cybercriminals like to use WiFi connections. Here he provides an overview of the reasons why, and what can be done to prevent them from using your wireless network as an accomplice.
Comment: Navigating the POS security standard minefield
Steve Brunswick and Jose Diaz from Thales outline the payment security standards landscape and explain how these various standards fit together when securing data at the point of sale
Comment: IT security tips from the Eagles
From ‘Hotel California’ to ‘Lyin’ Eyes’, songs by the rock legends have useful infosecurity lessons for enterprises. Nick Lowe, Check Point’s head of sales for Western Europe, shows you the signs
Comment: Raising the security standard
Idappcom CEO Ray Bryant discusses how to step up your security defenses by measuring current effectiveness and enhancing your security solutions.
Comment: Don’t fear the cloud, or its security
Take your head out of the cloud and get real says John Colley, managing director of (ISC)² EMEA
Comment: A logical shortfall for the ‘complete CSO’
Meridian’s Paul Johnson examines the differences between CSO and CISO and makes the case as to why small and medium-sized organizations must consider logical security training if they choose to employ an all-encompassing CSO, rather than separating logical security responsibilities out to a CISO.
Comment: Are we really securing virtualisation or just virtualising security?
Should organisations buy into new offerings to secure virtual environments, or simply opt to reconfigure their current security products to suit their needs? COMPUTERLINKS’ Rupert Collier examines this question while attempting to plough through all the vendor fluff
Comment: The value of PCI DSS compliance
LAN2LAN’s Gary Duke examines how enhanced PCI data security can protect the lifeblood of your business
Comment: Rogue Access Point Setups on Corporate Networks
The latest in a series of wireless security articles from AirTight Networks’ Ajay Kumar Gupta examines rouge access point scenarios that could affect corporate networks (or any network for that matter).
Comment: Police pledge to protect our data
Blue Cube Security's Gary Haycock-West provides tips that public sector organisations, such as police forces, can employ to facilitate secure access to data using mobile devices.
Comment: Automated security analysis – learning to love change
Change is the only constant in security – new users, new apps, growing networks and new threats mean recurring headaches for security teams. So how can IT stay ahead of change when everything is in flux? Gidi Cohen of Skybox Security shows how
Comment: Anti-Malware Automation Tools Save Time and Money
IT budgets continue to be squeezed while malware challenges become more formidable each day. Matt Allen of Norman Data Defense Systems discusses how sandboxing technologies can deliver on cost-effectiveness and timeliness claims by doing high-volume malware analysis in a safe environment.
Comment: Avoiding and recovering from nasty network configuration mistakes
Network mistakes constantly happen throughout the day and are the bane of the network manager. Reuven Harrison, CTO of Tufin Technologies, provides some excellent hints and tips for network managers
Comment: A new generation will demand a change in the role of security
Redstone’s Martin Blackhurst examines the effects that future employees from the “Facebook generation” will have on maintaining IT security.