Infosecurity Opinions

  1. #HowTo: Prevent Insider Threats in Your Organization

    What are the different types of insider threats, and how can they be prevented?

    1. Photo of Tom Eston

      Tom Eston

      AVP of consulting, Bishop Fox

  2. Crime-As-A-Service Is Leveling Up - And Businesses Aren't Prepared

    Crime-as-a-Service is helping cyber-criminals level up their attacks and target organizations with sophisticated tactics

    1. Photo of Jack  Chapman

      Jack Chapman

      VP of Threat Intelligence, Egress

  3. Mind the Gap: Moving from Missing Encryption to Ubiquitous Data Security

    How new software addresses the challenge of closing gaps and consolidating complexity into a single, invisible data platform

    1. Photo of Ayal Yogev

      Ayal Yogev

      CEO and Co-Founder, Anjuna Security

  4. Top 3 Mistakes Companies Make With Security and Compliance

    Avoid costly mistakes by establishing suitable systems and protocols to keep your compliance up to date

    1. Photo of Troy Fine

      Troy Fine

      Senior Manager, Drata

  5. Defending DNS Against DDoS Attacks to Protect Reputation, Revenue and Customers

    Why DNS is vulnerable and what companies can do to shore up defenses

    1. Photo of Ryan Davis

      Ryan Davis

      CISO, NS1

  6. #HowTo: Mitigate Cyber-Risks During Financial Milestones

    Cybersecurity needs to be fully integrated into a company's valuation ahead of IPOs, M&As, investments and other financial milestones

    1. Photo of Noy Saban

      Noy Saban

      CFO, CYE

  7. Cyber Vulnerabilities and Safety Risks Across the UK's Digital Railway

    How the rail industry can balance physical security and digital safety to keep the UK rail network secure

    1. Photo of Alex Cowan

      Alex Cowan

      Chief Executive Officer, RazorSecure

  8. Cybersecurity Pros Need a Seat at the Table

    It’s time to move from a business continuity mindset to a business agility mindset

    1. Photo of David Pignolet

      David Pignolet

      President and CEO, SecZetta

  9. The SEC Means Business: Clamping Down on Financial Institution Complacency with Security Practices

    Companies lacking effective policies or failing to follow through on them will see harsh enforcement actions

    1. Photo of Ari Buchler

      Ari Buchler

      Board Director at Simeio

  10. Why a Risk Reset Is Needed for a More Secure, Automated Cyber Future

    Why a risk reset is vital and why there's no better time than now to implement change

    1. Photo of Steve Benton

      Steve Benton

      CSO, BT Security

  11. Securing the Modern Software Supply Chain

    How developers can protect themselves and the wider developer community

    1. Photo of Liran Tal

      Liran Tal

      Director of Developer Advocacy, Snyk

  12. Why It's Time to Talk About Nation-State Attacks...Again

    Why threat intelligence must consider the wider geopolitical landscape more

    1. Photo of Jason Steer

      Jason Steer

      CISO, Recorded Future

  13. How to Get Your Staff Onboard with Information Security

    Four ways employers can cultivate a security culture in their organization

    1. Photo of David Cripps

      David Cripps

      Chief Information Security Officer, Moneycorp

  14. Going Global: How the Russian Ransomware Model Could Spread Worldwide

    Will sanctions change the tactics of different ransomware groups?

    1. Photo of Allan Liska

      Allan Liska

      Senior Security Architect and Ransomware Specialist, Recorded Future

  15. Holiday Ready: How Retailers Can Prepare a Gift-Wrapped Availability and Security Framework During the Holiday Period

    Ensuring you withstand retail’s golden period will give you and your teams a silent night

    1. Photo of Richard Meeus

      Richard Meeus

      Director of Security Technology and Strategy EMEA, Akamai

  16. #HowTo: Ensure a Healthy and Ransomware-Proof Environment

    What are the best practices for protecting your business from ransomware attacks?

    1. Photo of Sergei Serdyuk

      Sergei Serdyuk

      vp of product management, NAKIVO

  17. The Password Turns 60 This Year, But It's Not Going Away Anytime Soon

    Too many networks, devices, systems and people rely on passwords for the tech to quickly vanish

    1. Photo of Darren  James

      Darren James

      Senior Product Manager, Specops Software – An Outpost24 Company

  18. What the FBI Hoax Blast Reveals About Email Deception

    Today’s security tools need to understand businesses communications, context and behaviors to combat sophisticated email attacks

    1. Photo of Marcus  Fowler

      Marcus Fowler

      Director of Strategic Threat, Darktrace

  19. 10 Essential Cybersecurity and Privacy Features Needed in Video Conferencing

    Organizations must look at their communications tools to ensure total organizational safety and security

    1. Photo of George Waller

      George Waller

      EVP and Co-Founder of StrikeForce Technologies

  20. How Cybersecurity Automation Can Boost Deal Value and Insights in M&A Due Diligence

    Through automation, organizations engaging in M&A can leverage the power of tech, data and intelligence

    1. Photo of Dave Harvey

      Dave Harvey

      Managing Director, FTI Consulting

    2. Photo of Laura Kippin

      Laura Kippin

      Senior Director, FTI Consulting

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