Infosecurity Opinions

  1. How Traditional SIEM Pricing Models Hamper Security

    Traditional pricing models have so far been restrictive to security scalability

    1. Photo of Ross Brewer

      Ross Brewer

      VP and MD for international markets, LogRhythm

  2. Why Are Security and Business Goals at Odds With Each Other?

    CISOs need to take the time to listen to what the priorities of others in the business are and what they consider to be measures of success.

    1. Photo of Joseph Carson

      Joseph Carson

      Chief Security Scientist & Advisory CISO - Delinea

  3. Combining Threat Playbooks with AI to Stop Cyber-Criminals

    Understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures of cyber-criminals has been one of the most difficult and elusive elements of threat intelligence

    1. Photo of Anthony Giandomenico

      Anthony Giandomenico

      Senior Security Strategist & Researcher, Fortinet

  4. #HowTo Ensure Hybrid Cloud Security with Secure Endpoints

    Anywhere/anytime computing is a reality.

    1. Photo of Ken Galvin

      Ken Galvin

      Senior Product Manager for KACE System Management Appliance

  5. Stop Throwing Spaghetti at the Wall

    The SOC Visibility Triad signifies a massive paradigm shift in cybersecurity

    1. Photo of Tom Stitt

      Tom Stitt

      Senior Director of Security Strategy, Extrahop

  6. Bluetooth Hacks Keep Evolving, Will Your Cybersecurity Strategy?

    Is the concern about connected security in the office being overhyped?

    1. Photo of Marty Puranik

      Marty Puranik

      Founder and CEO of Atlantic.Net

  7. Security is Only as Strong as the Weakest Link

    What if the weak spot was in the foundation to which the chain was connected?

    1. Photo of Clif Triplett

      Clif Triplett

      Clif Triplett is the Executive Director for Cybersecurity & Risk Management at A.T. Kearney

  8. Keeping SOC Costs Down While Improving Security – Is it Possible?

    If the personnel just aren't there, what's a SOC to do?

    1. Photo of Yoram Salinger

      Yoram Salinger

      CEO of Perception Point

  9. Plugging Third Party Data Leaks

    Explosion in the use of cloud-based applications has increased the number of third parties holding a company’s data

    1. Photo of Jeremy Hendy

      Jeremy Hendy

      CEO, Skurio

  10. The Catch 22 Scenario for GDPR

    The process for enabling consumers the right to access their data is still ad-hoc for many organizations

    1. Photo of Phil Allen

      Phil Allen

      VP EMEA, Ping Identity

  11. Make it So: How Intent-Based Network Security Accelerates the Enterprise

    How organizations can realize the benefits on IBN across their complex, hybrid networks

    1. Photo of Avishai Wool

      Avishai Wool

      CTO, AlgoSec

  12. Your Best Bet for a Safe Ride? Buckle up With a Best Practice Security Framework

    How will the ‘Good Guys’ respond? In two ways: ‘Innovation and Frameworks.’

  13. Finding and Mentoring Your Next Key Security Hire

    Security talent - the hidden treasure trove of the next great security professional within your company.

    1. Photo of Michael Coates

      Michael Coates

      CEO, Altitude Networks

  14. Securing Backups in an Automated Data Protection System

    Securing backups from ransomware and authorized access in an automated data protection system

    1. Photo of Laz Vekiarides

      Laz Vekiarides

      CTO of ClearSky Data

  15. #HowTo Put Together an Effective Information Security Policy

    Do not think that anything is too obvious to leave out of your policy

    1. Photo of Ashley Halsey

      Ashley Halsey

      Professional writer and security expert

  16. Cybersecurity Must Do More Than Prevention, Real-Time Metadata Is the First Step

    Rich metadata gathered from your network can capture more than 90% of the useful data that a full packet capture system would.

    1. Photo of Abdul Rahman

      Abdul Rahman

      Chief Scientist, Fidelis Cybersecurity

  17. Using Graph Search Engines and High Performance Servers to Find Malware Patterns

    Threat detection tools face formidable challenges, particularly when analyzing massive data sets

    1. Photo of James Rottsolk

      James Rottsolk

      President and CEO of Trovares

  18. What the Post-API Economy Will Look Like

    APIs are beginning to struggle with capacity and security issues

    1. Photo of Brian Platz

      Brian Platz

      Co-CEO, Fluree

  19. Consumer Apps: the New-Age Weapon

    A mobile-centric zero trust approach also provides on-device detection and remediation of threats.

    1. Photo of Simon Biddiscombe

      Simon Biddiscombe

      CEO, MobileIron

  20. Rely on Continuous Improvement and Not Biases to Apply Cybersecurity Best Practices

    How do we learn from our mistakes instead of continually repeating them?

    1. Photo of Alex Jinivizian

      Alex Jinivizian

      Vice President Strategy & Corporate Development, eSentire

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