Infosecurity Opinions
Don’t Go Once More Unto the Breach: Fix Those Policy Configuration Mistakes
Examining four common security policy errors, and how organizations can avoid them.
What to Expect from VPNs in 2020
Cybersecurity analysts are predicting positive future trends on the VPN industry.
Putting TLS Pinning in Your Mobile Apps
Why TLS certificate pinning can aid your mobile security.
How AI and Machine Learning Will Win or Lose the War in Cyber
If AI and machine learning have arrived to defend our corporate networks, how can we reconcile these competing memes?
There is no Training - Strava's Heatmap Incident and Aftermath Paints a Bleak Picture
The Department of Defence's advice on Strava heat maps came far too late.
What is the Standard for IoT Security?
There are no standards for IoT security, and whatever the superficial attractions of the devices, there is no reassurance that you won’t get more than you bargained for.
Email Still Poses a Cyber-Threat, but There is Hope
Despite the availability of tools and technologies such as email encryption, sandboxing and artificial intelligence, headlines have been dominated by news of email-borne attacks.
Containers and Security – Which Potential Issues Will You Face?
Containerization is now starting to move from the early adopter phase to be adopted by the early majority.
Emerging Attack Vector: Why the Security Industry Should Treat Electronic Invoicing like Electronic Health Records
E-invoicing remains in its infancy but it could suffer from the same security risks as electronic health records..
Moving Towards Pay-as-you-Go Cybersecurity
As digital agility is increasingly seen as a key business advantage, businesses need to challenge the status quo and move towards a new model of cybersecurity consumption.
Magecart is the Largest Payment Card Theft in History - What You Can Do
What can site owners do today to minimize the risk of card skimming via third party tools?
Version Upgrades and Security/Privacy Downgrades: A Cautionary Tale
Getting upgrades right from a security and privacy viewpoint will never be a perfect process, but if we focus on making sure that we’re not losing track of privacy, security and compliance, we have a better chance of getting it right.
GDPR Fear is Stifling Employees, Here’s How to Fix It
A level of accountability is, of course, necessary, because businesses will not be GDPR compliant without it.
Bad Behavior at Work: Protecting Employees from Themselves
The desire to communicate is hardwired into humans, but with thought - and the deployment of appropriate technology - risk can be mitigated or avoided without impacting productivity or morale.
In Blockchain, There is no Checkmate
At its core, the Blockchain is immutable, transparent, encrypted and fragmented such, Blockchain and cybersecurity seem like a match made in heaven and for the most part, they are.
Reducing Analyst Fatigue with Machine Learning
Using machine-learning platforms, security analysts will be able to focus on more important decision-making in situations.
Is Cloud Migration Complexity Depriving the Public Sector of Security Talent?
Given the skills gap and the stakes at play, security talent needs to be best deployed where it is most needed – at the front line.
For Applications: It’s the Problem, Not the Symptoms
Why wasted time and investment in application security needs to be stopped, and understand how data is exposed.
Why It’s Time to Nuke the Password
Where does the solution lay if we are to remove passwords from authentication processes?
How Businesses Can Overcome the Challenges Saas Presents to Compliance
As organizations continue to ramp up their use of cloud services, organizations must be aware of the threat that SaaS usage poses to continued GDPR compliance.