Infosecurity Opinions
The GDPR Disclosure Conundrum
New rules imposed by the EU can be particularly challenging for organizations to disclose a breach within such a tight a timeframe.
The Central Role Of Authentication In Threats To, And Defenses For Modern Democracies
Few can resist the fact that cybersecurity is now a critical concern for democracy.
Taking Cryptojacking Out of the Shadows
The only way to truly prevent cryptojacking is to prevent the malware from getting installed in the first place, rather than waiting to detect it post-breach.
The Role of Blockchain in Data Security
As Blockchain technology re-architects our digital infrastructure, it also reformulates the security equation.
Designing Security UI for a Modern, Tech-Savvy Workforce
Perhaps one of the biggest problems the cybersecurity industry has is its image.
Putting Security at the Heart of Digital Transformation
As organizations gain more agility, it’s imperative that security is not just invited along on the journey.
This Time it’s Personal – The Growing Threat of SMiShing Attacks
SMiShing attacks use SMS texting as the medium and is often used in conjunction with other attacks.
How a ‘National Security Help Desk’ Could Secure Critical National Infrastructure
The increasingly connected nature of CNI presents an opportunity for cybersecurity skills and knowledge to spread fast and wide.
Centralize your Data, Achieve Long-Term GDPR Compliance
Data storage became so simple and affordable, but what impact does GDPR have on this?
Is Hype Around AI Muddling the Message for IT Decision Makers?
While it is nice to think that AI and machine learning are a ‘silver bullet' it’s simply not true, and to think otherwise, could put businesses at greater risk.
Re-Thinking DDoS Defenses for TLS1.3
Can TLS1.3 enable better DDoS defence?
Don’t Go Once More Unto the Breach: Fix Those Policy Configuration Mistakes
Examining four common security policy errors, and how organizations can avoid them.
What to Expect from VPNs in 2020
Cybersecurity analysts are predicting positive future trends on the VPN industry.
Putting TLS Pinning in Your Mobile Apps
Why TLS certificate pinning can aid your mobile security.
How AI and Machine Learning Will Win or Lose the War in Cyber
If AI and machine learning have arrived to defend our corporate networks, how can we reconcile these competing memes?
There is no Training - Strava's Heatmap Incident and Aftermath Paints a Bleak Picture
The Department of Defence's advice on Strava heat maps came far too late.
What is the Standard for IoT Security?
There are no standards for IoT security, and whatever the superficial attractions of the devices, there is no reassurance that you won’t get more than you bargained for.
Email Still Poses a Cyber-Threat, but There is Hope
Despite the availability of tools and technologies such as email encryption, sandboxing and artificial intelligence, headlines have been dominated by news of email-borne attacks.
Containers and Security – Which Potential Issues Will You Face?
Containerization is now starting to move from the early adopter phase to be adopted by the early majority.
Emerging Attack Vector: Why the Security Industry Should Treat Electronic Invoicing like Electronic Health Records
E-invoicing remains in its infancy but it could suffer from the same security risks as electronic health records..